强化自主意识 深化企业内部改革

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党的十四大明确确定了我国经济改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制。适应市场经济的要求,企业必须迅速转变经营机制,采取新的经营战略。当前,在我国黄金市场培育尚未完善的情况下,黄金企业如何转换机制,是黄金行业上下共同关心的热点问题。本文结合秦岭金矿实际,就此谈一点粗浅的看法。 我们认为,当前国内黄金市场经济体制尚未形成,一方面黄金产品由国家统购统销,另一方面原材料大部分由市场调节供应,基本上是计划经济占主导地位,这主要是由于黄金产品的特殊性及其在国民经济中的特殊地位所决定的。但是,黄金企业终究要毫无例外地走向市场,这是大势所趋,而且为期不会太远。当前,全国务行各业在邓小平同志南巡谈话和十四大精神鼓舞下,集中全力搞改革开放,形势喜人,形势逼人。我们黄金企业必须紧紧跟上,强化自 The 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly defined the goal of China’s economic reform as establishing a socialist market economy. To meet the requirements of a market economy, enterprises must rapidly change their management mechanism and adopt new business strategies. At present, under the situation that the nurturing of the gold market in our country is not perfect yet, how to transform the gold enterprise is a hot issue that the gold industry cares about from top to bottom. In this paper, combined with the actual Qinling gold mine, to talk a little superficial view. In our view, the current domestic gold market economy has not yet been formed. On the one hand, gold products are purchased and sold by the state under the control of the State. On the other hand, most of the raw materials are supplied by the market and are basically dominated by the planned economy. This is mainly due to the peculiarities of gold products And its special status in the national economy. However, after all, the gold enterprises are going to go to the market without exception. This is the trend of the times and will not be too far off. At present, under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour and the spirit of the 14th National Congress, all business circles across the country focus their efforts on reform and opening up. The situation is gratifying and the situation is pressing. Our gold business must keep up and strengthen ourselves
左面这张封面的缩印件中的“贴”字是一个错字,应该是“帖”字才对。 帖,一共有三个读音,(一)tie,义为“学习写字时摹仿 The left side of the cover of the copy in the
故事当然属于创作,可以充分发挥作者的想象力;但情节可以虚构,细节却必须真实,这样才能具有可信性。本期《故事会》中却不时出现一些破绽。 在中篇故事《红云山鹰魂》的第
提出了用全息透镜实现分数傅里叶变换,讨论了用全息透镜作为分数傅里叶变换元件的条件.用全息透镜来实现分数傅立叶变换,能更好地满足分数傅立叶变换对透镜的焦距变化要求. A ho