Horseback pack trips“马”上旅途

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  I awoke in my sleeping bag as the day’s first light set fire to the peaks above our campsite. Deep in Wyoming’s Wind River Range, the air was frosty as I unzipped my tent and crawled (爬)outside. Across a meadow (草地)filled with wildflowers, I saw our hors?es look up after eating some grass.
  Breakfast is ready! $ my dad called. Heath, our guide and a true Wyoming cowboy, handed me a tin
  cup of coffee and a plate of eggs and grilled trout(烤鱒鱼)that we had
  caught the day before. On this third morning of our week-long wilderness pack trip, we had no pressing plans, and our only task was to watch the sun rising over the mountains. We would need the energy一later in the day we would hike to see a glacier along the Continental Divide.
  The history of pack trips in the United States can be traced to the early 19th century, when ex?plorers and trappers ventured west into the Rocky Mountains, which had not been visited and investi?gated before. Small strings of mules (骡)and horses were employed to help lessen the burden of car?rying heavy equipment and supplies across great distances.
  Nowadays, pack trips continue to offer a travel experience that nods to the past, but instead of supporting expeditions into unexplored country, they provide camping adventures in remote mountain locations where comfortable canvas tents, solar showers, and gourmet(美味佳肴)meals are the norm.
  Days are spent exploring the stunning landscapes, fishing in mountain lakes, and watching wildanimals walk freely. In the evening, dinner is cooked over campfires as the Milky Way prepares for a superlative nighttime show. In a world where the pace of daily life is ever faster and our interactions increasingly virtual, pack trips offer a chance to apply the brakes and reconnect with family, friends, and nature.
  1. How long did the author’s pack trip last?
  A. Three days.B. A week.
  C. Nineteen days.
  D. A month.
  2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
  A. Pack trips in the past in America.
  B. History of the Rocky Mountains.
  C. Development of travel transportation.
  D. Experiences of different explorers.
  3. What can be inferred about pack trips nowadays?
  A. They offer a life with fast pace.
  B. They mainly offer visits to unexplored areas.
  C. They’re similar to expeditions in the 19th century.
  D. They provide relatively comfortable experience for travelers.
  4. Which word can best describe pack trips according to the author?
  A. Exhausting.B. Unrealistic.
  C. Beneficial.D. Dependent.
  Useful expressions
  pressing plans緊迫的计划
  be traced to 追溯到 the norm 是常态
摘要:影片《山河故人》作为2015年较为成功的文化艺术片,收获了口碑和票房的双重认可。本文对该片进行视听语言分析和视觉隐喻分析中,发现该片通过对视觉元素的艺术化处理,将山河与人生别离相互呼应,在开放出了受众的想象空间的同时,营造出了一种诗化的审美意境。  关键词:视觉隐喻;想象空间;诗意  《山河故人》是2015上映的较为成功的文化艺术片。该片入围了第68届戛纳电影节主竞赛单元金棕榈奖,同时获得第
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【摘 要】澳大利亚《课程体验调查问卷》(Course Experience Questionnaire, CEQ)是从学生学习体验出发、科学可信的课程质量评估工具。根据在线开放课程与高职教育的特点,运用改良后的CEQ问卷,从“基础技能”“学习资源”等八个维度测评高职学生在线开放课程学习体验。研究发现学生整体在线学习体验不佳,男生的学习体验优于女生,大二学生的学习体验优于大一学生,理论课优于实践课
美国一户人家前往弗吉尼亚度假,母亲正在屋内准备返程时,4岁的儿子突然带回了一位“客人”,这让母亲惊叹不已。  Stephanie Brown from Massanutten, Virginia got a huge surprise from her son when her four?year?old son Dominic headed out and brought back a baby
你的每一次航空旅行都会留下许许多多的碳足迹,这让地球的“绿色”又减少了几分。有什么好的方法能让地球“减负”呢?  难词探意  1. vanilla /v??n?l?/ n. 香草  2. compost /?k?mp?st/ n. 混合肥料;堆肥  3. gluten /?ɡlu?tn/ n. 谷蛋白;面筋  4. soy /s??/ n. 大豆;酱油  5. sesame /?ses?mi/ n
【摘 要】  当前,MOOCs正在对高等教育产生广泛和深刻的影响。本论文从开放大学课程建设的视角,对MOOCs的理论和实践进行梳理和总结,通过综合运用文献综述、比较研究和基于案例归纳总结的研究方法,明确了MOOCs背景下开放大学课程建设的核心问题,并立足于我国开放大学课程建设的现状,探讨了MOOCs背景下开放大学的课程建设。本文的创新在于探索MOOCs在我国开放大学的教育实践。  【关键词】 MO
[编者按] 在线教育的蓬勃发展对从业人员的专业化和专业能力提出了越来越高的要求。为探讨在线教育专业化与专业能力提升的背景与要求、特征与方法,2015年4月11日,由北京师范大学远程教育研究中心主办的“在线教育专业化与专业能力提升专题研讨会暨在线社区与‘ E时代的远程教育’课程启动仪式”在北京举行。来自国内在线教育研究与实践领域的300多名研究者和从业人员参加了研讨活动。  研讨会包含2个主题报告和
【摘 要】  随着信息技术和网络技术的迅速发展与日益普及,运用现代信息技术手段开展企业远程教育也日渐兴起。自2010年以来,广州市主要依托广州电大,对面向企业的远程教育进行了多方面的探索,专门开发了“广州职工教育网”,利用专业化远程教育公共服務平台开展企业远程教育实践,在企业远程教育人才培养模式、学习服务模式、课程资源开发模式和管理模式等方面都取得了较大进展。实践证明只有深入分析企业和职工需求,进