Learning Hierarchical User Interest Models from Web Pages

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hotcoolman
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We propose an algorithm for learning hierarchical user interest models according to the Web pages users have browsed. In this algorithm, the interests of a user are represented into a tree which is called a user interest tree, the content and the structure of which can change simultaneously to adapt to the changes in a user’s interests. This expression represents a user’s specific and general interests as a continuum. In some sense, specific interests correspond to short-term interests, while general interests correspond to long-term interests. So this representation more really reflects the users’ interests. The algorithm can automatically model a user’s multiple interest domains, dynamically generate the interest models and prune a user interest tree when the number of the nodes in it exceeds given value. Finally, we show the experiment results in a Chinese Web Site. We propose an algorithm for learning hierarchical user interest models according to the Web pages users have browsed. In this algorithm, the interests of a user are represented into a user interest tree, the content and the structure of which can can change simultaneously to adapt to the changes in a user’s interests. This expression represents a user’s specific and general interests as a continuum. In some sense, specific interests correspond to short-term interests, while general interests correspond to long-term interests. more really reflects the users’ interests. The algorithm can automatically model a user’s multiple interest domains, dynamically generate the interest models and prune a user interest tree when the number of the nodes in it exceeds given value. Finally, we show the experiment results in a Chinese Web Site.
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