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红日西坠,记者迎着清凉的海风,站在崭新的码头前沿,眺望水色如碧的伶仃洋面。只见一艘满载的集装箱外轮徐徐向赤湾港驶来,优美的船型在夕阳余辉中格外显眼。陪同参观的港方人士赞叹说,这种集装箱船非常先进,载重五万吨以上。事实提醒人们,赤湾港已能停靠各类大型货轮! 早晨,登上赤湾左炮台山,眼前古炮昴着,林则徐铜像高高耸立。从烟波浩淼的海面上收回视线,俯瞰赤湾港,港容港貌尽收眼底。环山面海的港湾里,一面是装卸繁忙的货运码头,一面是石油基地的供应场地,加上临近的高层仓库、油脂公司储油罐群以及其他港区厂房,阵阵现代化港城气息扑面而来。 Red Sun West fall, the reporter facing the cool sea breeze, standing in the forefront of the new pier, overlooking the color of Lingding Dinghai ocean. I saw a full load of the outer container slowly approaching Chiwan Hong Kong, beautiful ship in the sunset afterglow in particular conspicuous. The Hong Kong side accompanying the visitors praised that this kind of container ship is very advanced and carries over 50,000 tons. The fact reminds people that Chiwan Port can stop all kinds of large freighters! In the morning, on the left of Mount Tai in Chiwan, in front of the ancient artillery Pleiades, the statue of Lin Zexu stands tall. From the vast sea of ​​smoke back on the horizon, overlooking Chiwan Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hong Kong panoramic view. Surrounded by the gulf of the harbor, one side is the loading and unloading of busy shipping terminals, one side is the supply base of the oil base, together with the adjacent high-rise warehouse, oil company tank farm and other port buildings, bursts of modern Hong Kong breath Come.
在云南高原苹果园昆虫群落结构研究中,通过调查采集,饲养观察,分类鉴定和查阅文献资料,发现苹果新害虫55种,云南新记录15种,对苹果新害虫与苹果国昆虫群落演替进行了讨论 In the s
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