Molecular dynamics simulation of surface melting behaviours of the V(110) plane

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ct_1984tao1
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The modified analytic embedded-atom method and molecular dynamics simulations are applied to the investigation of the surface premelting and melting behaviours of the V(110) plane by calculating the interlayer relaxation,the layer structure factor and atomic snapshots in this paper. The results obtained indicate that the premelting phenomenon occurs on the V(110) surface at about 1800K and then a liquid-like layer,which approximately keeps the same thickness up to 2020K,emerges on it. We discover that the temperature 2020K the V(110) surface starts to melt and is in a completely disordered state at the temperature of 2140K under the melting point for the bulk vanadium. The modified analytic embedded-atom method and molecular dynamics simulations are applied to the investigation of the surface premelting and melting behaviors of the V (110) plane by calculating the interlayer relaxation, the layer structure factor and atomic snapshots in this paper. We discover that the temperature 2020K the V (110) surface shows the premelting phenomenon on the V (110) surface at about 1800K and then a liquid-like layer, which approximately keeps the same thickness up to 2020K, emerges on it. starts to melt and is in a completely disordered state at the temperature of 2140K under the melting point for the bulk vanadium.
2009年岁末,第三届中华农业英才奖评选揭晓,著名小麦专家、中国工程院院士、山东农业大学教授于振文获得这一殊荣。于振文在农业教育科研园地辛勤耕耘30年,用心血和汗水浇灌出丰硕成果,以对小麦稳产高产的卓越贡献谱写了精彩人生。    科技创新着力解决生产重大问题  1979年,于振文考取了著名小麦专家、山东农业大学教授余松烈的硕士研究生,开始深入系统地学习研究小麦高产栽培理论。毕业后,他留校任教,并作
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