Importance of defining the best treatment of a genital gunshot wound: A case report

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Cases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JohnStorm
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Twenty percent of genital traumas are caused by penetrating injuries; accordingly gunshot and stab wounds have increased in the last couple of years around the globe, even in Colombia. A 67-year-old male patient was admitted to the emergency room because he received multiple gunshot wounds. On physical examination, multiple wounds on his penis with loss of tissue in the foreskin, glans, anterior urethra(distal third) and cavernous corpora were found. The urologist performed a partial penectomy with a penis reconstruction, he debrided the cutaneous flap of the dorsal foreskin and its glans, sutured the distal cavernous corpora and dissected the urethra. Penetrating genital injuries are extremely important due to their impact on the functional, psychological and the aesthetic consequences. It is necessary to define the best possible treatment to minimize the damage. Twenty percent of genital traumas are caused by penetrating injuries; accordingly gunshot and stab wounds have increased in the last couple of years around the globe, even in Colombia. A 67-year-old male patient was admitted to the emergency room because he received multiple gunshot wounds. On physical examination, multiple wounds on his penis with loss of tissue in the foreskin, glans, anterior urethra (distal third) and cavernous corpora were found. The urologist performed a partial penectomy with a penis reconstruction, he debrided the cutaneous flap of the dorsal foreskin and its glans, sutured the distal cavernous corpora and dissected the urethra. It is necessary to define the best possible treatment to minimize the damage.
当含羞草的叶子被碰到时,叶子振动,叶枕下面凹陷,上部鼓起来,叶子下面的水分跑掉了,而上面充满水分,小叶就会合拢,叶柄下垂,像害羞似的。所以,含羞草的“害羞”其实是在保护自己,使自己免受外界的摧残,是对环境适应的结果。  含羞草“收缩叶片”的动作像被人挠了痒痒,常被人们理解为“害羞”,所以被称为含羞草、知羞草、怕丑草。  含羞草可不止会“怕痒”,它还是一种能预报天气的奇妙植物。它的叶子闭合快,张开慢
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本文在阐述了研究背景的基础上论述了社区参与与欠发达地区旅游目的地和谐发展的关系,分析了目前制约社区参与的因素,进而探讨了加强社区参与的对策与措施。 Based on the r