
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyf1122
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长期以来我国高职旅游院校采取的是传统教育模式,只注重职业道德理论知识的传授,而忽视职业道德情感体验。因此,旅游院校必须更新教育理念,从目标、内容、手段和评价等方面对现成的职业道德教育模式进行反思与研究。 For a long time, the vocational college of higher vocational education in our country has taken the traditional education mode, paying attention to the imparting of theoretical knowledge of professional ethics and neglecting the emotional experience of professional ethics. Therefore, the tourism colleges and universities must update the educational philosophy and reflect and study the existing vocational moral education mode from the aspects of the goal, content, means and evaluation.
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Background Emerging evidence suggests that stem cells and progenitor ce lls der ived from bone marrow can be used to improve cardiac function in patients after
Aims: To examine how left atrioventricular plane displacement(AVPD), a widely used measure of left ventricular(LV) function, is related to presence and degree o