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2001年,面对复杂多变的国际经济环境,在省委、省政府的正确领导下,全省人民坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院一系列方针政策,以经济结构调整为主线,大力推进农业产业化、工业化、城市化,国民经济快速健康发展,各项社会事业繁荣稳定,精神文明建设不断加强,人民生活进一步改善。“十五”计划开局良好。一、综合全省国民经济综合实力进一步增强。初步测算,全年国内生产总值3983亿元,比上年增长9.0%。其中,第一产业增加值826亿元,增长4.0%;第二产业增加值1570亿元,增长10.0%;第三产业增加值1587亿元,增长10.5%。人均国内生产总值6054元,增长8.4%。三次产业构成为20.7比39.4比39.9,与上年相比,第一产业下降0.6个百分点,第二产业下降0.2个百分点,第三产业上升0.8个百分点。市场物价呈小幅下降态势。全年居民消费价格总水平比上年下降0.9%,其中消费品价格下降1.8%,服务项目价 In the face of the complex and ever-changing international economic environment in 2001, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and government, the people of the province adhere to the important thinking of the “three represents,” and conscientiously implement the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Principles and policies, take economic restructuring as the main line, and vigorously promote the rapid industrialization of agriculture, industrialization, urbanization and national economy, the prosperity and stability of all social undertakings, the continuous strengthening of spiritual civilization construction and the further improvement of people’s living standards. “Fifteen ” plan started well. I. Comprehensive Comprehensive Strength of the National Economy Further Enhancement According to preliminary estimates, the annual gross domestic product was 398.3 billion yuan, up 9.0% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 82.6 billion yuan, an increase of 4.0%; the added value of the secondary industry was 157 billion yuan, up 10.0%; and the added value of the tertiary industry was 158.7 billion yuan, up 10.5%. Per capita GDP was 6054 yuan, an increase of 8.4%. The three industries constitute 20.7 to 39.4 to 39.9. Compared with the previous year, the primary industry dropped by 0.6 percentage point, the secondary industry dropped by 0.2 percentage point and the tertiary industry rose by 0.8 percentage point. Market prices showed a slight downward trend. In the year, the overall consumer price index dropped by 0.9% over the previous year, of which the price of consumer goods dropped by 1.8%, the service item price
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