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汉高后八年(公元前179年)吕后死后,以周勃与陈平为首的功臣集团诛灭了吕氏集团,随即迎立代王为帝,是为汉文帝,这一连串的历史事件,史称“诛吕安刘”。古今史家都注重“诛吕”这一明显的政变,对于“安刘”这一同样重大但比较隐蔽的宫廷阴谋却涉及很少,似乎风平浪静。而事实上“安刘”是“诛吕”事件的后续发展,两者同样充满刀光剑影,只是后者相对而言更隐晦与零散而已。且“安刘”事变对文帝一朝乃至以后的政治走向影响深远,其历史重要性更在“诛吕”之上。本文试图从有关史书记载的字里行间,勾勒出所谓“安刘”过程的点点细节,以揭示汉文帝即位前后的历史真相。 In the eight years after Henkel (179 BC), the heroic group headed by Zhou Bo and Chen Ping annihilated Lu’s group and immediately became the emperor of Emperor Wang, a series of historical events , Known as “punish Lu An Liu ”. Both ancient and modern historians pay attention to the obvious coup of “punishing Lu” and the calm and calm of the similarly large but rather subtle court conspiracies of “An Liu ”. In fact, “An Liu” is the follow-up to the incident of “punishing Lu.” Both are equally adept at swordsmanship, but the latter are relatively obscure and fragmented. Moreover, the incident of “An Liu” has far-reaching influence on the political trend of the Emperor Wen and even thereafter, and its historical importance is even more on “punishing Lu”. This article attempts to outline the historical details of the so-called “An Liu” process from the lines in the historical records to reveal the historical truth before and after the Chinese emperor ascended the throne.
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千百年来,爱国主义一直是动员和鼓舞中国人民团结奋斗的一面旗帜,是推动我国社会历史前进的巨大力量,是各族人民共同的精神支柱.在新的历史条件下,继承和发扬 For thousand
云南省教育厅转发《教育部办公厅关于中小学  幼儿园安全工作2009年第2号预警通知》的通知  云教保〔2009〕23号  (2009年6月16日)    各州、市教育局,各高等学校:  现将《教育部办公厅关于中小学幼儿园安全工作2009年第2号预警通知》(教基一厅〔2009〕5号)转发给你们,并提出以下意见,请一并贯彻执行。  一、要深刻认识到我省是一个自然灾害频发省份,学校人员高度密集,抵御灾害
Originating in the Yuan and Ming dynasties and evolving in the Qing Dynasty,martial arts in Huifang have become an essential part of both Hui culture and an int