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深圳经济特区,是我国社会主义制度的一个组成部份。深圳的经济社会发展战略是全国经济社会发展战略的重要组成部份。由于深圳在全国的改革和开放中处于十分重要的地位,所以各方面对其发展战略都很关注。本文就深圳的区情及其经济社会发展战略,谈点粗浅的认识。一、认清区情是制定发展战略的基本前提所谓区情,就是深圳特区的地理、历史、气候、资源、人口等方面的情况,以及特区创建以来经济社会发展的过程和现状。要制定符合特区实际的发展战略,一方面要准确地了解和认识区情,另一方面还要对特区的优势和劣势、长处和短处正确地认识。优势,是指特区经济发展优越于其它地区的某些有利条件,是一些比较稳定的能在较长时间内起作用的天然因素。对深圳来说,其优势主要是(1)有优越的自然条件。深圳依山傍海,风景秀丽,地 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is an integral part of our socialist system. Shenzhen’s economic and social development strategy is an important part of the national economic and social development strategy. As Shenzhen is in a very important position in the country’s reform and opening up, all parties are very much concerned about its development strategy. This article discusses the superficial understanding of the situation in Shenzhen and its economic and social development strategy. First, recognizing the regional conditions is the basic prerequisite for formulating a development strategy. The so-called regional sentiment is the geographical, historical, climate, resources, population and other aspects of the Shenzhen Special Administrative Region and the process and status quo of economic and social development since the establishment of the SAR. It is necessary to formulate a development strategy that is in line with the actual development of the SAR. On the one hand, we must accurately understand and understand the situation but on the other hand, we must also correctly understand the advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses of the SAR. The advantage refers to the fact that the economic development of the SAR is superior to other favorable conditions in some areas. It is also a relatively stable natural factor that can work for a longer period of time. For Shenzhen, its main advantages are (1) superior natural conditions. Shenzhen hillside sea, beautiful scenery, and
“妈—妈—妈—” ,那声音尽管时断时续 ,若有若无 ,但年逾六旬的杨德淑仿佛有一种心灵感应 ,还是从睡梦中醒了过来。灯光下 ,她望着躺在小床上的女儿林青云 ,重重地叹了一口
晓霞怎么也没想到,自己在初三时错了一次后,竞使自己一直处于苦闷与傍徨之中,总也无法解脱自己,总也走不出那份迷茫…… 在晓霞读初三的那年,她与一位同桌的男生相恋了。在
成组珩磨工具是在零部件工艺相似性的基础上,针对具体工序而专门设计的介于通用和专用工具之间的一种精密加工工具,它不同于常见的组合工具和通用可调夹具。 概略比较,成组珩