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副职领导是工作群体中十分重要却又相对独特的一个角色类型。副职作用发挥如何,对于维护群体的团结统一,增强班子战斗力,搞好本单位工作,有很重要的意义。但与正职领导相比,他在群体中的地位又是特殊的,其权利、义 Associate leadership is a very important but relatively unique type of role in the workforce. How to play the role of deputy, for the maintenance of unity and unity of the community, and enhance the combat effectiveness of the team, do a good job of the unit, is of great significance. However, compared with the chief leadership, his position in the group is special, his rights and righteousness
摘要目的测试通过动态对比增强(DCE)超声成像获取的血管影像分析能否用于肝脏血液循环组织程度的计算,影像特点是否与门静脉高压程度相关。材料与方法本研究 Abstract Objec
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AIM: To the look at the current strength of evidence and the potential application of anti-oxidants in this setting.METHODS: Two electronic databases(Pub Med an
AIM: To analyse allelic frequency of NOD2 gene variantsand to assess their correlation with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) in Algeria.METHODS: We studied 132 u
一、领导者优良人格的内涵 领导者的人格是指内在精神与外在行为的和谐统一,通过优良的行为表现优良的人格。领导者人格中所强调的行为,不是偶然的行为,而是一贯的自觉行为,