What Developing International Markets for Ecosystem Services Reveal for China's Forestry Sector

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbo330330
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The market mechanism for forest ecosystem service has already become common knowledge among countries in the international movement to address global climate change.In this paper,international experiences of forest ecosystem market such as better understanding of concept,public participation, sound trading rules and measurement standards are analyzed,and its implication for China is also summarized.Finally,the prospects of forest ecosystem service market in China are discussed.The purpose of this paper is to summarize the results of the Forest Trends’ Katoomba Group meeting,introduce the international experiences of markets for forest ecosystem service so that China can better learn about and benefit from international experiences and successes in the development of markets for ecosystem services, and to further promote the development of China’s forest ecological benefit compensation and in particular forest carbon sequestration. The market mechanism for forest ecosystem service has already become common knowledge among countries in the international movement to address global climate change. In this paper, international experiences of forest ecosystem market such as better understanding of concept, public participation, sound trading rules and measurement standards are analyzed, and its implication for China is also summarized .Finally, the prospects of forest ecosystem service market in China are discussed. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the results of the Forest Trends. ’Katoomba Group meeting, introduce the international experiences of markets for forest ecosystem service so that China can better learn about and benefit from international experiences and successes in the development of markets for ecosystem services, and to further promote the development of China’s forest ecological benefit compensation and in particular forest carbon sequestration.
青年画家卢禹舜,虽然刚刚步人“而立之年”,然而,作为哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院教授、中国美术家协会会员、黑龙江省青年美术书法家协会主席却颇受画坛瞩 However, as a prof
当前,影视文化带来的各种负面影响,已经严重影响到青少年的身心健康。这个问题需要引起学校、家庭乃至全社会的共同关注,为青少年营造一个健康的影视环境。 At present, the
<正> 中国化工学会成立七十周年。七十年来有许多化学家老前辈为学会对国家、对人民做了不少有益的工作,作出很大的贡献,学会得有今天的成绩,不能忘怀这些老前辈。中华化学工