Development and Testing of Aluminum Micro Channel Heat Sink

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maming5201ww
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Microchannel heat sinks constitute an innovative cooling technology for the removal of a large amount of heat from a small area and are suitable for electronics cooling.In the present work,Tool Steel D2 grade milling slitting saw type plain milling cutter is fabricated The microchannels are machined in aluminum work pieces to form the microchannel heat sink using the fabricated milling cutter in an horizontal milling machine.A new experimental set-up is fabricated to conduct the tests on the microchannel heat sink.The heat carried by the water increases with mass flow rate and heat input.The heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number increases with mass flow rate and increased heat input.The pressure drop increases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat.The friction factor decreases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat.The thermal resistance decreases with pumping power and decreases with input heat. Microchannel heat sinks constitute an innovative cooling technology for the removal of a large amount of heat from a small area and are suitable for electronics cooling. In the present work, Tool Steel D2 grade milling slitting saw type plain milling cutter is fabricated The microchannels are machined in aluminum work pieces to form the microchannel heat sink using the fabricated milling cutter in an horizontal milling machine. A new experimental set-up is fabricated to conduct the tests on the microchannel heat sink. heat transfer by the water increases with mass flow rate and heat input. heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number increases with mass flow rate and increased heat input. pressure drop increases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat. The friction factor decreases with Reynolds number and decreases with input heat. thermal resistance decreases with pumping power and decreases with input heat.
近十年来,国外应用干扰素治疗慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)报导较多[1],国内报导疗效不一。本院1995年至1998年以大剂量重组α干扰素(α-IFN)治疗CHC29例,现总结报导如下。1 对象与方法1·1 对象 传染病科收治的经临床
烟雾病 ,即牟雅牟雅病 (Moyam oya disease)。发生在椎-基底动脉系统者极为罕见。由椎 -基底动脉系统烟雾病所引发的临床症状和体征亦更是具有其特殊性。本文作者曾于2 0 0 0
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