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  Warning: saying this character aloud may induce heart attacks in middle-aged ladies, provoke creepy stares from odd men, or cause severe giggling in teenagers. When it comes to the Chinese word for sex, or 性(x#ng), avoid it in daily speech like you are a proper “sir” from the Victoria era. At least, this is the status quo in many parts of the country where speaking directly about sex is still taboo. Some fi rmly believe that, in Chinese tradition, sex is a low-class, vulgar subject that should never be mentioned. Others simply feel ashamed and regard it as something that should be kept private. Well, those defenders of decency might be disappointed to learn the original meaning and history of 性.
  On the left of 性, the “heart”radical (忄) signifi es the character’s meaning while the right part 生(sh8ng) denotes pronunciation. But, as is often the case, the phonetic radical no longer stands for the exact pronunciation of the character due to the evolution of language. Originally, 性 meant the innate properties of one’s heart, the inalienable qualities of mankind.“What is endowed from the heavens is named xing, (天命谓之性。Ti`nm#ng w-i zh~ x#ng.)” stated the Confucian classic Doctrine of the Mean(《中庸》Zh4ngy4ng).
  When it comes to human nature, philosophers just cannot resist debating inherent good and evil.“At birth, people are naturally good; their natures are similar, but their later environments and habits make them different from each other.” (人之初,性本善;性相近,习相远。 R9n zh~ ch$, x#ng b0n sh3n; x#ng xi`ng j#n, x! xi`ng yu2n.) Those are the fi rst few words from the Three-Character Primer(《三字经》S`nz#j~ng), an ancient teaching book for young children. Mencius was known to support this view. However, the philosopher, Xunzi, thought that people are ruled by their basic emotions and desires, which is 情 (q!ng). “In xing, love and hate, happiness and anger, sorrow and delight are all called qing.” (性之好恶、喜怒、哀乐,谓之情。 X#ng zh~ h3ow&、x@n&、`il-, w-i zh~ q!ng.) Xunzi believed that these basic instincts exist in everyone and that only through later learning can people conquer their fl aws and acquire virtues. Pick your side in the philosophical debate, but note that, in modern Chinese, 性情 (x#ngq!ng) is actually one word, meaning “temperament or disposition”. Besides sex, 性represents a wide range of meanings in different words, from “life” (性命x#ngm#ng) to “property” (性能 x#ngn9ng). This fi rst group of words is close to the word’s original meaning: 性格 (x#ngg9) means one’s character; 天性 (ti`nx#ng) means natural instincts;个性 (g-x#ng) means personality; and 性子 (x#ngzi) means temper, such as hot temper (急性子 j!x#ngzi) or spitfi re (烈性子 li-x#ngzi). Beginning as an expression of characteristics and properties, the meaning of性 expanded to various words such as 酸性 (su`nx#ng, acidity), 弹性 (t1nx#ng, elasticity), and 毒性(d%x#ng, toxicity). 感性 (g2nx#ng) refers to people’s ability to perceive the world, while 理性 (l@x#ng) refers to the ability to reason and draw rational conclusions. Add 性 at the end of certain nouns, verbs, and adjectives, and you will end up with an even wider range of abstract nouns, explaining properties and traits, such as 全国性 (qu1ngu5x#ng, nationwide),创造性 (chu3ngz3ox#ng, creativity) and普遍性 (p^bi3nx#ng, universality).   Obviously, 性 also means gender, as in 性别 (x#ngbi9), 男性 (n1nx#ng, man or male), and 女性 (n)x#ng, woman or female) are used for people. For animals, apply 雄性 (xi5ngx#ng) and 雌性 (c!x#ng) instead. Heterosexuality is异性恋 (y#x#ngli3n) and homosexuality is同性恋 (t5ngx#ngli3n).
  When it comes to the specifi c meaning of 性, or sex, that causes so much embarrassment, a famous quote from the book Mencius should cause people to take pride in this base natural state: “Having food and sex are both human nature.” (食、色,性也。Sh!、s-, x#ng y0. ) It might be a while before sex is spoken about like food, but for issues such as sexual harassment (性骚扰 x#ngs`or2o) or sex education 性教育 (x#ngji3oy&), more conversation is imperative. A series of relevant words include the following: having sex is 性交 (x#ngji`o), similarly, sexual activity is 性行为 (x#ngx!ngw9i); Sexual drive, or libido is 性欲 (x#ngy&); Sex life is 性生活 (x#ngsh8nghu5). Additional topics that could really use some more conversations are 性病(x#ngb#ng, STD), 性侵犯 (x#ngq~nf3n, sexual assault) and 性贿赂 (x#nghu#l&, sexual bribery). From human nature to the modern day taboo, we can only hope that social perception of this simple character changes in the future. Sex, after all, serves as the motor of human history. - HUANG WEIJIA (黄伟嘉) AND LIU JUE(刘珏)
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曾几何时,漳州部分干线公路,由于服役年限长,加上重车碾压,路面沉陷网裂,边沟淤阻不畅,脏、乱、差路段屡见不鲜,百姓啧有烦言。  市委、市政府从交通强国的战略眼光,前瞻性精心擘画漳州公路事业发展的宏伟蓝图,向全市公路系统发出了打响漳州公路翻身仗的动员令!  漳州公路全体党员干部立下“军令状”:不改路况,誓不罢休!我是党员我担当,敢叫漳州公路换新颜!  如果把漳州公路人比作一列火车,那么漳州市公路事业
根据智利水果出口商协会(Asoex)的数据,2020/2021产季,智利出口到亚洲市场的鲜食葡萄达到16 938 111箱,较上产季下降了16%,但其在东南亚市场的出口大幅增长。印度尼西亚是智利葡萄在亚洲的第三大出口目标市场,其2020/2021产季新鲜葡萄进口量为1 156 644箱,比上产季增加了355.55%,主要进口品种是红地球,占总进口量的90%,其次是秋季皇家品种,约占9%。本产季智利葡萄对马来西亚的出口量达到250 172箱,同比增长31.20%,红地球品种也是其主要进口品种.
据《北方果树》2021年第3期《环割和压力束缚对桃果实品质的影响》(作者徐功勋等)报道,为探究环割和压力束缚对桃结果枝光合特性及果实品质的影响,以3年生油桃“中油16”为试材,设置环割及50 N、100 N和200 N共3种压力束缚,以不作任何处理为对照,共5个处理,测定桃结果枝的光合特性和果实品质。
加那利群岛香蕉生产者组织协会(Asprocan)于5月中旬与西班牙农渔业和食品部长Luis Planas在西班牙最重要的香蕉种植区La Palma岛上举行了会谈,主要内容为香蕉生产商高度关注的《食品产业链法》。几个月来,Asprocan一直要求加那利香蕉不受该法律某些条款的约束,因为这些条款阻止了生产商就香蕉的销售价格进行谈判。会议中协会更多地让对方了解了加那利群岛香蕉的商业措施、特定的营销模式,并且指出,根据当前的《食品产业链法》,生产商甚至不能找回生产成本。
2021年1—4月,墨西哥出口草莓156 800 t,出口额6.62亿美元,分别比上年同期增长16.3%和24.8%。2020年,墨西哥以8.51亿美元的出口额成为全球最大的草莓出口国,其中99.3%的草莓出口到美国市场。美国从墨西哥进口的冷冻草莓自2019年以来增长了17%。同年,美国冷冻草莓进口量比上年增长26%。不过,根据美国加利福尼亚州的数据,过去两年,墨西哥在美国冷冻草莓进口市场的份额从2018年的79%下降到2020年的约60%,而智利对美国的冷冻草莓出口量增加了6%,秘鲁则增长了40%。
“辽异1号”是从辽宁省大连市瓦房店市李店镇心形核桃(Juglans cordiformis)实生后代中选育出的新品种。2016年12月获原国家林业局颁发的植物新品种权证书。该品种果实球形,鲜果平均重11.6 g,平均纵径2.76 cm,横径2.97 cm,果皮厚度0.76 cm。坚果阔椭圆形,坚果平均重0.86 g,纵径19.7 mm、横径12.3 mm,坚果壳薄,其平均果壳厚0.81 mm,果壳在纵径方向上有1条很细裂缝。仁黄白色,仁平均重0.44 g,出仁率51.2%.