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一 追溯汉代辉煌的文化胜迹,不禁使人想起中原南阳。南阳是汉代文化遗产最为丰富的都城,是汉代文化最集中的地方。在那里造就了汉代科学家张衡,医圣张仲景,三国著名的政治家、军事家诸葛亮。地灵而人杰出,传统人文历史蕴育出了近代国学大师冯友兰、作家姚雪垠……当代中国花鸟画家刘保申教授1937年出生于南阳,他少年时酷爱民间美术。 1957年20岁的刘保申从河南南阳考入西安美术学院国画系学习,经过全面的基本功训练后,以优异的成绩留校任教。1960年由学院派往上海画院跟随王个簃先生学习吴派画法,广收海上画派名家之长,从而也确定了他在艺术道路上对中国花鸟画研究的方向。回校任教后,又在长安画派浓郁的学风熏陶下,不断探索。当他潜心于艺海起步前程之时,一声“炮” A trace of the brilliant cultural relics of the Han Dynasty, can not but remind one of Central Plains Nanyang. Nanyang is the capital with the richest cultural heritage in Han Dynasty and the most concentrated culture in Han Dynasty. Where scientists Han Heng created Zhang, Medical St. Zhang Zhongjing, the famous politicians, military strategists Zhuge Liang. Earth spirit and outstanding people, traditional humanities history has brought forth Feng Guolan, the great masters of ancient Chinese culture, writer Yao Xueyin ... Professor Liu Baoshen, a contemporary Chinese bird and flower painter, was born in Nanyang in 1937 and loved folk art as a teenager. In 1957, 20-year-old Liu Baoshen was admitted to the National Academy of Fine Arts of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts from Nanyang, Henan Province for study. After a thorough training of basic skills, he left for school with outstanding achievements. In 1960, the college was sent to the Shanghai Art Academy to follow Wang Gejiu to learn the Wupai Painting Act and widely accepted the masters of the maritime painting school, thus confirming his research direction on Chinese bird painting on the artistic road. After returning to school to teach, but also in the Chang’an painting school under the influence of style, continue to explore. When he devoted himself to the beginning of artistic sea, a “gun”
第1期强昌短、李玉瑞:黄帝内怪所栽的祖国古代完全膳食························……Chang Chang·yingLi Yd‘jui:On aneient Chinese diet in Hua
腎臟病膳食的原則 腎臟病的膳食应首先考慮如何減輕腎臟的工作負担,防止或減少廢料積存於血液及体組織中,使它多得到休息;防止或减輕浮腫現象,並使患者得到正常营养。腎臟病