冀红小豆喷施B_9 增产效果好

来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanlai_lu
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为了解决红小豆生产中徒长、倒伏、产量低而不稳等问题。于1986~1987年在冀红小豆一号现蕾盛期,喷施B_9植物生长调节剂。喷后叶色变深,株高变矮,单株粒重、百粒重增高,成熟期提早,增产效果明显。一、喷施B_9植物生长调节剂对冀红小豆一号农艺性状的影响在冀红小豆一号现蕾盛期,每亩喷施2500~5000ppmB_9水溶液75公斤,株高明显降低.比对照(喷施清水)矮31.2~40.4cm。分枝变化不明显:单株结荚数,除5000ppm处理的比对照低3.1个外,其它处理均高于对照2.2~16.9个。单株粒重,除5000ppm处理的比对照低3.2克外,其它处理均高于对照0.8~4.1克。百粒重略有增加,一般增高0.1~1.4克。据1987年结 In order to solve the problem of growth, lodging, low yield and instability in the production of red bean. In 1986 to 1987 in the Jidong adzuki bean squall peak, spraying B_9 plant growth regulators. After spraying, the leaf color became darker and the plant height became shorter. The grain weight per plant and the weight of 100 grains increased, the maturity was earlier and the yield was obviously improved. First, spraying B_9 plant growth regulator on Jidong adzuki bean agronomic traits in Jidong adzuki bean squall peak, sprayed 2500 ~ 5000ppmB_9 per acre 75 kg of water solution, plant height was significantly lower than the control (spray Shi water) short 31.2 ~ 40.4cm. Branches change insignificantly: The number of pods per plant, except for 5000ppm treatment 3.1 lower than the control, the other treatments were higher than the control 2.2 ~ 16.9. The grain weight per plant was higher than that of the control by 0.8-4.1g except for the treatment of 5000ppm lower than the control by 3.2g. A slight increase in 100 tablets, generally increased 0.1 to 1.4 grams. According to 1987 knot
新疆精河县83团宋玉林,1988年种植西瓜20亩,获亩产13,100公斤高产纪录,亩收入1350元。其栽培技术措施是: 一、育壮苗,保全苗西瓜地最忌连作,应选择地势平坦,灌溉方便,含盐量
经多年观察,我地从浙江温州地区引入栽培的小叶尾张温州蜜柑着果率极低,进入盛果期的8—10年生树,平均株产只有13公斤,最高株产20公斤。群 After many years of observatio