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排尿是膀胱壁一种“牵引反射”,受大脑、脑干高级排尿中枢的控制。一般成人膀胱内尿量在400mL以下时,其内压力无显著变化。当尿量达到400~500mL时,膀胱内压才急速上升,从而引起排尿反射。中风后尿失禁是瘫痪病人烦恼的事情之一,如处理不当,不但增加病人痛苦,而且危及生命。1一 Urination is a kind of bladder wall “traction reflex”, by the brain, brain stem urinary control center. The average adult urine in the urine below 400mL, the pressure did not change significantly. When the urine output reached 400 ~ 500mL, bladder pressure only increased rapidly, causing urinary reflex. Post-stroke urinary incontinence is one of the things paralyzed by patients, such as improper handling, not only increase patient suffering, but also life-threatening. 1 a
Problems associated with water eutrophication due to high phosphorus concentrations and related environmentally safe solutions have attracted wide attention.A n
The presence of municipal wastewater at the intake of a major drinking water treatment facility located on Lake Ontario was examined using fluorescence data col
Permanganate treatment is widely used for disinfection of bacteria in surface-contaminated water.In this paper,the fate of the dissolved permanganate in aqueous
Phthalate esters(PAEs),typical pollutants widely used as plasticizers,are ubiquitous in various indoor and outdoor environments.PAEs exist in both gas and parti
Ligands may increase the yields of reactive oxygen species(ROS)in zero-valent iron(ZⅥ)/O2 systems.To clarify the relationship between the properties of ligands
本文介绍了 CMOS 固体图像传感器的组成、特点及其应用实例。并展望了它的应用前景。MOS图像传感器定义为“在像素上有一个光电二极管和一个到几个MOS晶体管的图像传感器”。