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1概况卢瓦河谷集中了法国十六、十七世纪的文化精华,是法国历史文化遗产密度最大的地区,2011年11月30日被联合国教科文组织认定为:不断发展的人工和自然联合的文化景观,是作为文化景观类型的世界文化遗产。 1 Overview The Loire Valley is a collection of French cultural essences of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It is the area with the highest density of historical and cultural heritage in France. On November 30, 2011, it was recognized by UNESCO as a continuously growing artificial and natural union Cultural landscape, as a cultural landscape type of world cultural heritage.
Based on the measured data, suspended sediment concentration, surface sediment grain size, current and waves, the sediment transport mechanisms and pathways in
自 198 6年Murry等[1 ] 提出心肌预适应 (preconditioning ,PC)概念以来 ,已有许多研究对心肌预适应的保护机制进行了探讨。目前认为 ,预适应的机制是 :心肌在预先受某种刺激
A series of novel naphthalimide-derived metronidazoles as new type of antimicrobial agents were for the first time designed, synthesized and characterized by NM
In search of novel neuroprotective agents with higher potency and lower h ERG liability, a series of novel Fenazinel derivatives were designed and synthesized,
■案号一审:(2009)海刑初字第397号【案情】被告单位:广州市海珠区南洲街东风第九经济合作社(以下简称九社),住所地广州市海珠区东风村大塘汇源大街3号。 ■ Case No. First
The present study explores an electroreduced graphene oxide-bismuth nanoparticles composite(ErGOBi) as an electrochemical sensor for the determination of an ant