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江泽民主席指出:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力”。在医学科学技术飞速发展、医疗市场竞争日趋激烈、国家医疗体制改革日益深化、社会医疗需求不断变化的新形势下,医院面临着种种严峻的挑战。医院要发展、要前进,就必须善于寻找创新机会,对创新机会进行分析判断,不失时机地把握住创新机遇,用创新迎接竞争与挑战。 1 技术创新是医院最重要的创新机会 技术是医生赖以生存的基础,技术创新是医院的基础工程,是医院持续发展的强大动力,是医院最广阔、最具潜力的创新机会。 医学中尚未解决和尚未完全解决的技术问题甚多,技 President Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress and the inexhaustible driving force for the country’s prosperity and development.” With the rapid development of medical science and technology, the increasingly fierce competition in the medical market, the deepening of the reform of the national healthcare system, and the changing social and medical needs, hospitals are faced with severe challenges. To develop and advance, hospitals must be good at finding innovative opportunities, analyzing and judging innovation opportunities, seizing the opportunity to grasp innovation, and using innovation to meet competition and challenges. 1 Technological Innovation is the Hospital’s Most Important Innovation Opportunity Technology is the basis for the survival of doctors. Technological innovation is the basic project of hospitals, and it is the strong driving force for the continuous development of hospitals. It is the most extensive and most promising innovation opportunity for hospitals. There are many technical problems in medicine that have not yet been resolved and not yet completely resolved.
2001年一新世纪的第一年,我们有许多 全新的感觉。社会在变化,身边的朋友 在变化,我们自己也随着时间在成长。不变的是对音乐的那份痴迷和热爱。 生活在同一蓝天下的日本音乐界无疑
如今,舞蹈是一门文化艺术,是人们喜闻乐见的一种文娱活动。然而在我国古代,舞蹈最早起源于防病治病、养生保健。 在我国远古时代,随着原始社会发展,到了尧舜时期,人们从过去
1 增强科技意识领导是关键 我院在相当长的一段时间内,由于认识上的局限性,科技意识薄弱,科技经费投入不足,使科研工作长期处于停滞不前的状态,这主要是在医疗、教学、科研
The incidence of the co-infection of hepatitis G virus (HGV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) and its clinical implication was investigated and the difference in the
一、运用正确的教学方法和教学语言 钢琴的弹奏方法多种多样,采用什么样的弹奏法是根据乐曲的不同风格和技术需要而定的,在教授最基本的弹奏方法时,一定要注意教学方法和教学语
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