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7月1日,奥运特刊《奥运百年》、《亚特兰大中国奥运军团》大型精美彩色画册在京面世。 7月2日,新华社主管、《新华每日电讯》主办的《奥运快报》在京创刊。 7月4日——6日,由国务院新闻办公室主办、广电部协办的1996中国国际新闻研讨会在京举行。 7月9日,人民日报社、求是杂志社、新华社等11家单位联合举办的首届全国优秀调查研究报告评选结果在京揭晓,153篇获奖。 July 1, Olympic special issue “Olympic 100 years”, “Atlanta Chinese Olympic Corps” large exquisite color album published in Beijing. July 2, Xinhua News Agency, “Xinhua Daily Telegraph,” hosted by the “Olympic Express” in Beijing start publication. July 4 - 6, hosted by the State Council Information Office, co-organized by the Department of Radio and Television 1996 China International News Symposium held in Beijing. On July 9, the first national excellent investigation report jointly announced by People’s Daily, Qiu Shi Magazine, Xinhua News Agency and other 11 units was announced in Beijing with 153 awards.
该文分析了激光调阻后影响膜电阻器可靠笥的三种,提出了电阻器的电阻材料中工作电压、电流密度和功率密度的简便计算方法,在设计和DPA检查阶段可用此方法评价激光调 阻宽度是否