省乡镇企业局 省科委联合制定在乡镇企业中认定科技型企业的办法

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河北省乡镇企业局、河北省科委,根据省科委、财政厅、税务局、工商行政管理局《关于对河北省科技企业进行认定并核发科技企业证书的通知》(冀科管〈1993〉025号)和《河北省民营科技企业管理条例》规定,结合我省乡镇企业向科技型企业转化的实际情况,制定了在乡镇企韭中认定科技型企业的办法。一、申请认定为科技企业的乡镇企业须填写认定登记表,并提交营业执照副本复印件、近三年的会计报表一式三份,报当地乡镇企业局,由乡镇企业局进行初审。二、乡镇企业局审查并签署意见后,将申报材料送交同级科委。经科委审查无异后,核发科技型企业证书。申报材料分别由科委、乡镇企业局和被认定的企业存档。 Bureau of Township Enterprises of Hebei Province and Hebei Provincial Science and Technology Commission, according to the Circular of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Taxation Administration, and the Administration for Industry and Commerce on the Recognition of Scientific and Technological Enterprises in Hebei Province and Issuance of Certificates of Scientific and Technological Enterprises (Yanke Management, 1993) No. 025) and Regulations for the Management of Privately-owned Sci-tech Enterprises in Hebei Province stipulate that, in light of the actual situation of township and township enterprises in our province to transform themselves into science and technology enterprises, a method for identifying scientific and technological enterprises in township enterprises is formulated. 1. The township and township enterprises that have applied for recognition as technology enterprises must complete the registration form, submit a copy of their business licenses and three copies of the accounting statements for the past three years in triplicate, and report to the local township enterprises bureau. The township enterprises bureau shall conduct the preliminary examination. 2. After reviewing and signing opinions, the Township Enterprises Bureau will submit the application materials to the same level science committee. After passing the examination by the Science and Technology Commission, the company issued the certificate of science and technology enterprise. The application materials are filed by the Science and Technology Commission, the Township Enterprise Bureau and the recognized enterprises.
五月,如痴如醉的花季,我的内心却迷茫不已。我所追寻的幸福到底在何处呢?我清楚地记得,多年前的秋季,我与你曾在被夕阳镀成金黄的幽幽小径中寻找一片片火红的舞者;更早的夏季,我与你曾在阴凉的香樟树下,期待风的驻足。自始至终,你一直牵着我的手,陪我走过春秋数载,而你自己,却变得黯淡无光。  现在的五月,你却躺在病床上,憔悴万分,话也说不出来,只能默默地流泪。我轻轻地来到你身边,你吃力地睁开双眼上,没说上两
多项研究发现,70%的心脏病是可以通过正确饮食加以预防的。只要吃对食物就能保护心脏。美国《预防》杂志最新载文,刊出多位美国心脏病专家总结出的“超级护心食物”。  海鱼类  三文鱼 野生(非养殖)三文鱼富含欧米伽-3脂肪酸,可显著改善心脏病各项代谢指标。三文鱼还富含可增强心血管保护作用的抗氧化剂硒。  沙丁鱼 沙丁鱼也富含欧米伽-3脂肪酸,有助于提高好胆固醇(高密度脂蛋白胆固醇)水平,降低心脏病再次