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孟冬之季,去了趟苏州,收了四方湖石。一方摆于厅堂,两方供奉听月山房,最大的一方约重七八百斤,只得麻烦数友,颇费周折,置立于云村小筑紫竹丛前嘉宝树旁。吔,小筑山房有了湖石的加持,蓦然生动了起来。闲暇之时,漫步小筑,独对湖石,感触良多。遥想其没于沧浪,隐于烟波,藏于云岗,出于大荒,历经亿万年的浪激波涤,风 Meng winter season, went to Suzhou, received the Quartet Hu Shi. One side placed in the hall, the two sides to listen to listen to the mountain house, the largest party about weighing about seven or eight pounds, only a few friends trouble, quite a twists and turns, set in the clouds Villa small shirakawa before Jiabao tree.吔, small mountain house with the blessing of the lake, suddenly vivid up. Leisure time, walking small building, alone on the lake, feeling a lot. Remaining its not long waves, hidden in the waves, hidden in the Yungang, out of the Great Wilderness, after hundreds of millions of years of waves Polly, the wind
目的 探讨p15 基因CpG岛甲基化作为各型急性白血病通用的基因标志物的可行性。方法 采用甲基化特异性聚合酶链反应(MSP)法检测40 例初治或复发急性白血病、5 例完全缓解期白血病及8 例( 份)
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顶头上司也是凡人,也有脆弱而不为人知的一面。部门经理如何打动上司的芳心,掌握工作的主控权,请看我们出招! The top boss is also a mortal, but also has a fragile and
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
“超前辅导法”和“迎潮流操作法”的关键是既要有超前思维,又要善于把握大局。而正在酝酿的“劳者有其股”一旦付诸实现,将是国企改革的一片新天。 The key to the “advan
老家头城虽小,庙宇却甚多,除了城隍、王爷、妈祖、关公,还有搞不清到底供奉什么主神的庙,间间不缺香火。母亲最常去的就是那三四间大的,逢到要紧事,那就所有庙都得走一遭。二十岁那年我必须服役三载,抽到的是海軍舰艇兵种。对一貫踩在土地上的乡下人来说,汪洋大海最是风云不测,母亲忧心地领着我四处上香、供果、抽签、卜卦。我这才晓得,原来我们的小镇藏了这么多神明。  大多数的庙我都已印象模糊,但想起妈祖庙就会一阵