全面提升谋发展 重点突破求创新 泉乡铜井:精心构筑活力卫星城镇

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素有“铜井泉水冠沂蒙”之称的沂蒙泉乡——铜井镇,坐落在诸葛亮故里——山东沂南县北部,面积123.25平方公里,辖45个行政村,人口6.03万人。近几年来,铜井镇认真贯彻实施县委、县政府“五个全面提升”、“三个重点突破”的战略,按照建设“经济强镇、旅游名镇、文化大镇”和县城卫星城镇的目标,精心构筑活力卫星城镇。今年以来,全镇实现工农业总产值9.98亿元,民营经济实现总产值2.7亿元,实现利税2100万元,同比增长45%和40%。该镇先后被临沂市委、市政府评为“先进集体”、“文明乡镇”、“市级环境优美乡镇”、“社会治安综合治理先进镇”等荣誉称号,2007年3月又被评为“2006年度临沂市最具发展活力乡镇”。在精心构筑活力卫星城镇中,着力做好以下三点: Known as “Cuiquan spring water crown Yimeng ” said the Yimengquan Township - Tong Town, is located in the hometown of Zhuge Liang - Shandong Yinan north, an area of ​​123.25 square kilometers, administer 45 administrative villages, a population of 60300 people . In recent years, Tongjing Town has conscientiously implemented the strategy of “five comprehensive promotion” and “three key breakthroughs” of county Party committee and county government. According to the strategy of building “economic strong town, tourist town, cultural town” “And the goal of satellite towns in the county seat, carefully build vitality satellite town. Since the beginning of this year, the town has achieved 998 million yuan of gross output value of industry and agriculture, 270 million yuan of total output value of the private economy, 21 million yuan of profits and taxes, an increase of 45% and 40% over the same period of last year. The town has been Linyi Municipal Party Committee and municipal government as ”advanced collective “, ”civilized towns “, ”municipal environment beautiful towns “, ”social security comprehensive management of advanced town “ and other honorary titles, 2007 In March of that year, it was named as ”2006 Most Active Township in Linyi City". In carefully constructed vitality satellite towns, focus on doing the following three points:
氧氟沙星 (OFLOXACIN )是第三代喹诺酮类抗生素 ,对革兰氏阴性菌、阳性菌和部分厌氧菌均有较强的抗菌作用 ,由于其抗菌谱广 ,疗效高 ,疗程短 ,不良反映小 ,目前已广泛用于临床。我院在
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