Clinical significance of heat shock protein 10 in large bowel carcinoma

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freedomo
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Objective:To investigate the expression of heat shock protein 10(HSP10)during genesis and development of large bowel carcinoma and discuss the clinical significance about its expression.Methods:The expression of HSP10 was observed in specimens from normal colonic mucosa(NC),colorectal adenomas(CA)and colorectal adenocarcinomas(CAC) by immunohistochemistry EnVisionTM.Its correlations to clinicopathologic features,as well as to postoperative survival time of large bowel carcinoma patients were analyzed.Results:The expression of HSP10 was common in normal colonic mucosa, colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas and more intensive in colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas than that in normal colonic mucosa(P<0.001).The positive expression of HSP10 had no correlation to clinicopathologic features,includ- ing age,gender,primary tumor,infiltrating of regional lymph node,metastasis,clinical stage and histopathology of large bowel carcinoma patients,as well as to their postoperative survival time.Conclusion:HSP10 was overexpressed in the early stage of colorectal adenocarcinoma suggesting that it could serve as an index for early diagnosis of large bowl carcinoma.The positive expression of HSP10 had no correlation to clinicopathologic features or postoperative survival time of large bowel carcinoma patients. Objective: To investigate the expression of heat shock protein 10 (HSP10) during genesis and development of large bowel carcinoma and discuss the clinical significance about its expression. Methods: The expression of HSP10 was observed in specimens from normal colonic mucosa (NC), colorectal adenomas (CA) and colorectal adenocarcinomas (CAC) by immunohistochemistry EnVision ™. Its correlations to clinicopathologic features, as well as to postoperative survival time of large bowel carcinoma patients. Results: The expression of HSP10 was common in normal colonic mucosa, colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas and more intensive in colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas than that in normal colonic mucosa (P <0.001). The positive expression of HSP10 had no correlation to clinicopathologic features, includ- ing age, gender, primary tumor, infiltrating of regional lymph node, metastasis, clinical stage and histopathology of large bowel carcinoma patients, as well as to their postoperative survival ti me.Conclusion: HSP10 was overexpressed in the early stage of colorectal adenocarcinoma suggesting that it could serve as an index for early diagnosis of large bowl carcinoma. The positive expression of HSP10 had no correlation to clinicopathologic features or postoperative survival time of large bowel carcinoma patients .
目的观察自拟五虫散结膏外敷配合抗结核药物治疗淋巴结结核的近期疗效。方法 176例淋巴结结核患者,随机分为治疗组(83例)与对照组(93例)。对照组常规应用HRZE方案(异烟肼、利
用金黄色葡萄球菌α毒素(α-toxin)或β溶血皂素(β-escin)处理平滑肌小肌条,可将细胞膜穿通许多小孔,使膜对某些离子及物质的屏障作用消失,但不影响受体-G蛋白-第二信使系统的耦联。根据ca ̄(2+)EGTA的平衡结合
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