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近年来,经济建设的高速发展带来了人才的大量需求。在这场人才大战中,企业竞争人才越演越烈,都从各自的需要出发,希望通过人才的引进,为企业注入更新鲜的血液,使企业在市场机制的竞争下保持旺盛的战斗力。纵观企业间人才需求现状,以企业人才的要求可归纳如下: 1.要有脚踏实地,不畏艰辛的实干精神。对企业来说,任何成绩和效益都是通过实干而获 In recent years, the rapid development of economic construction has brought a lot of demand for talent. In this war of talents, the company’s competitive talents have become increasingly fierce and they have started from their own needs. They hope to inject more fresh blood into the company through the introduction of talents, so that enterprises can maintain strong fighting power under the competition of market mechanisms. Looking at the status quo of talent demand among enterprises, the requirements of enterprise talents can be summarized as follows: 1. We must have down-to-earth and hard-doing spirits. For businesses, any achievements and benefits are earned through hard work.
村子里来了一条咖啡色的蛇。它叫“灰灰”。刚开始的时候,大家都非常害怕它。一个叫小黑的男孩和它做朋友,每天和它一起玩。一天,小黑吹起笛子,灰灰随着节奏跳起了舞,真是个舞蹈家呀!  村里一个小朋友失足掉进了石山上的裂缝。那裂缝太窄,大人都进不去。小黑决定让灰灰试一试。灰灰努力地把失足的孩子放在头顶,用力将他顶了上来。大家都欢呼起来,小朋友得救了。
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尖锐湿疣 (Condylomeacuminatum ,CA)是人类乳头状瘤病毒 (HPV)引起的赘生性皮肤病 ,性接触为最主要的传染途径。临床亦称为性病疣 (Venerealwarts)。笔者采用局部治疗联合使用干扰素 ,治疗尖锐湿疣 76例 ,效果良好