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群众路线是中国共产党将马克思主义基本原理运用于革命实践的伟大创造,体现了党的性质与宗旨,是党的根本工作路线、工作方法和宝贵经验总结。中国共产党根据不同时期的目标和任务,将群众路线运用到革命的各个时期,取得了民族独立和人民解放,带领广大人民走上社会主义道路。中国共产党在新的时期面临着更加严峻的问题,只有坚持群众路线,才能永葆党的生机和活力,取得中国特色社会主义的伟大胜利。 The mass line is a great creation of the CPC for applying the basic tenets of Marxism to revolutionary practice, reflects the party’s nature and purpose, and is the party’s basic working line, working methods and valuable experience. According to the goals and tasks of different periods, the Chinese Communist Party has applied the mass line to all stages of the revolution, gained national independence and liberation, and led the broad masses of people onto the road to socialism. The CPC faces more serious problems in the new period. Only by adhering to the mass line can the party’s vitality and vitality be preserved and a great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics can be achieved.
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