Cytotoxicity evaluation of extracts and fractions of ifve marine sponges from the Persian Gulf and H

来源 :亚太热带生物医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flnlucifer
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Objective:To screen the cytotoxic effects of some marine sponges extracts on HeLa and PC12 cells.
Methods: Five marine sponges including Ircinia echinata (I. echinata), Dysidea avara, Axinella sinoxea, Haliclona tubifera and Haliclona violacea were collected from the Persian Gulf (Hengam Island). The cytotoxic effect of these sponges was evaluated by using MTT assay. The metabolic high performance liquid chromatography fingerprint of I. echinata was also carried out at two wavelengths (254 and 280 nm).
Results:Among the sponges tested in this study, the extracts of I. echinata and Dysidea avara possessed the cytotoxic effect on HeLa and PC12 cells. The obtained fractions from high performance liquid chromatography were evaluated for their cytotoxic properties against the cell lines. The isolated fractions did not show significant cytotoxic properties.
Conclusions:I. echinata could be considered as a potential extract for chemotherapy. Further investigation is needed to determine the accuracy of mechanism.
目的利用CT血管重建评估血液透析患者的动静脉内瘘。方法选择慢性肾脏病5期维持性血液透析患者69例,采用256排螺旋CT,自非内瘘侧肘前静脉或颈外静脉以3 ml/s的速度注入浓度为300 mgI/ml的碘海醇100 ml,延时25~30 s开始扫描,完成CT血管重建,共进行86次CT血管重建。结果所有病例动静脉内瘘血管均得到良好显示。8例次未发现异常,78例次发现异常,其中内瘘吻合口狭窄25例次,内
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1 病例介绍rn患者,男性,23岁.主因火焰烧伤伴呼吸困难20 min入院,患者在2011-10-19下午被火焰烧伤头面颈部、躯干、四肢、会阴,热接触时间不详,受伤环境为相对密闭空间,他人
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