
来源 :宁夏农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruinx
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苹果矮化密植,是近年来国内外在苹果栽培管理上的一项重大技术改革,它对迅速提高苹果产量和质量,满足人民生活不断提高和对外贸易的需要,进一步巩固集体经济等都起了重要的作用。但目前苹果矮化密植发展尚不平衡,绝大多数地区还处于繁殖苗木阶段。现将有关问题介绍如下。苹果矮化密植的好处:过去苹果园多采用乔化稀植,单位面积栽的株数少,结果晚,投资时间长,收益低,不符合多快好省的要求。为了经济利用土地和方便管理,矮化密植已成为国内外果树管理的总趋势,它的好处是:①结果早:一般矮化果树三、四年就 Apple dwarf and dense planting is a major technical innovation in the cultivation and management of apples at home and abroad in recent years. It has the effect of rapidly increasing the output and quality of the apple, meeting the needs of the people and increasing foreign trade, and further consolidating the collective economy Important role. However, the development of apple dwarfing dense planting is still not balanced, most areas are still in the breeding seedling stage. The relevant issues are introduced below. Advantages of dwarfing close planting of apple: In the past, apple orchards were mostly planted with Qiaohua plants, with fewer plants planted per unit area. As a result, the investment time was long and the return was low, which was not in line with the requirements of more and better farms. In order to economic use of land and facilitate management, dwarf planting has become the general trend of fruit tree management at home and abroad, its benefits are: ① results as early as: generally dwarf fruit trees three or four years
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许多人都有这样的习惯,到餐馆用餐,尤其是规模不大的餐馆,都习惯用开水把自己的碗碟仔仔细细地烫一遍,才觉得干净,用得才放心。 Many people have such a habit, to restaur