Theoretical Analysis of Lattice Parameter Effect on Order-Disorder Transformation Based on Pair Pote

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hezeliu
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Based on pair potential, the Bragg Williams (B-W) model is modified to take into account the effect of the lattice parameter on theoretical order-disorder transformation analysis. The main purpose of this work is to understand the basic aspects of this effect and related reasonable model on order-disorder transformation. In the present approach, the configuration free energy is chosen as function of the lattice parameter and the long-range order. This energy is calculated through Taylor’s expansion, starting from the disordered state. it was found that the configuration free energy has been strongly modified when the lattice parameter is taken into account. It was also found only one type of order-disorder transformation exists in AB alloy and three kinds of order-disorder transformations for non-equi- atomic alloy system such as A,B alloy. This result is in agreement with experiments. Based on pair potential, the Bragg Williams (BW) model is modified to take into account the effect of the lattice parameter on theoretical order-disorder transformation analysis. The main purpose of this work is to understand the basic aspects of this effect and related reasonable model on order-disorder transformation. In the present approach, the configuration free energy is chosen as function as the lattice parameter and the long-range order. This energy is calculated through Taylor’s expansion, starting from the disordered state. it was found that the configuration free energy has been strongly modified when the lattice parameter is taken into account. It was also found only one type of order-disorder transformation exists in AB alloy and three kinds of order-disorder transformations for non-equi- atomic alloy system such as A, B alloy. This result is in agreement with experiments.
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