Durbin test with enhanced detection performance to mismatched signal

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gu22540
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This paper deals with the problem of detecting a signal whose amplitude is a scaling factor in the presence of homogeneous Gaussian noise with unknown covariance matrix.Since no uniformly most powerful test exists for the problem at hand,we devise and assess a detection strategy based on the well-known Durbin test design criteria.The closed-form expressions for the probabilities of false alarm and detection of the Durbin test are derived,which show that it bears a constant false alarm rate property against the noise covariance matrix.At the analysis stage,the performance of the new receiver is assessed,also in comparison with some classical adaptive detectors,both in matched and in mismatched signal cases.The results show that the proposed detector achieves a visible performance improvement in the presence of severe steering vector mismatch,while maintaining an acceptable detection loss for matched signal. This paper deals with the problem of detecting a signal whose amplitude is a scaling factor in the presence of homogeneous Gaussian noise with unknown covariance matrix. Since no uniformly most powerful test exists for the problem at hand, we devise and assess a detection strategy based on the well-known Durbin test design criteria. The closed-form expressions for the probabilities of false alarm and detection of the Durbin test are derived, which show that it bears a constant false alarm rate property against the noise covariance matrix. At the analysis stage , the performance of the new receiver is assessed, also in comparison with some classical adaptive detectors, both in matched and in mismatched signal cases. the results show that the proposed detector achieves a visible performance improvement in the presence of severe steering vector mismatch, while maintain an acceptable detection loss for matched signal.
【片段一】  师:同学们,让我们把心沉下来,去看看谈迁是如何从头撰写这部史书的?默读课文第3自然段,用心去体会谈迁重写《国榷》一书的艰辛,按要求完成作业:  1. 照样子,抓住文中的关键词,写写你的感受,体会谈迁没有被厄运打垮,重写《国榷》的艰辛。  例:从“四处寻访”,我读出了谈迁不怕辛劳,想让新写的《国榷》更加完备。从“亲自考察”,我读出了 从“ ”,我读出了 ;从“ ”,我读出了 。  2.
【案例1】走进青海高原  1. 播放青海高原的视频。此时,你想到了哪些词?(苍茫、广阔无垠、寸草不生、凄凉……)  2. 正因为如此恶劣的气候环境,才会使我们看到这样的情景:(指导朗读)广袤无垠/青草覆盖的原野/寸草不生/青石嶙峋的山峰/深邃的蓝天/凝滞的云团。  简洁而开阔/悲壮和苍凉/高寒和缺水/虐杀生灵的高原风雪/铺天盖地的雷轰电击。  3. 难怪那些边塞诗词读起来也是如此苍凉、悲壮。(配乐
一、 创设情境,激发兴趣  师:(神秘地拿出一个不透明的袋子)同学们,老师的袋子里装着许多同学们喜欢的东西,想知道袋子里装着什么吗?大家猜一猜,好吗?  生:我猜一定是故事书。  生:我想,会不会是玩具呢?  师:好,同学们猜了那么多东西,到底猜对了没有,就让我们一起来看看。(将袋子里的东西一一拿出:有掌上游戏机、毛绒玩具、图书、还有一部老师新买的手机……)  师:同学们,你们喜不喜欢?  生:当
古诗具有节奏美的特点,郭沫若先生曾说:“节奏之于诗,是她的外形,也是她的生命。”在低年级语文教学中,我以教材中古诗为例子,引导学生在诵读中感悟五言、七言古诗的节奏美,接受熏陶和感染。  一、 理解为基,自主感悟,诵读节奏的规律性  林庚先生曾说:“中国诗歌形式从来都遵守着一条规律,那就是让每个诗行的半中腰都具有一个‘逗’的作用,我们姑且称这个为‘半逗律’。这样恰好就把一个诗行分为均匀的上下两半;不
一、 创设氛围,进入情境  1. (播放背景音乐《送别》)同学们,听着这首经典的名曲《送别》,你一定想起了自己曾经与朋友、亲人离别的情景吧?谁来说一说当时的情景?  2. 亲人离别,友人话别,依依不舍,令人伤感,历史上许多文人墨客也以此为话题,吟咏出许多脍炙人口的诗作名篇。你能背出哪些?  3. 指名背诵有关“送别”的诗篇。  【设计意图】用音乐和学生的日常生活中与送别相关的场景再现,营造送别的氛