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近代市场的发育与道德的沉沦是一个问题的两个方面。“义”和“利”的天平严重倾斜于“利”的一方,许多人为了发财,可以不择手段,不顾廉耻;或者花天酒地,纸醉金迷;或者走私越货,杀人害命,丧天害理。在半殖民地半封建的畸形社会中,一些人崇洋媚外,丧尽国格;甚至认贼作父,充当汉奸。如此种种,不一而足。对此,一些正直的商界中人是颇有感慨的。中国末科状元张謇,把他的投身实业界,说成是“以嚼然自待之身,溷秽浊不伦之俗”,是“捐弃所恃,舍身喂虎”。“溷”是肮脏的意思,“秽浊”也是肮脏,“不伦”意指不讲伦理道德。在张謇眼里,实业界竟是 The development of modern markets and the sinking of morality are two aspects of one issue. The scales of “justice” and “profit” are heavily inclined to the “profit” side. Many people may resort unscrupulously to shamelessly or fortune in order to make a fortune. Or they may spend a lot of money and money or smuggle goods or kill or kill their lives. In the semi-colonial and semi-feudal deformity society, some people are flirtatious and funeral; they even recognize the father and serve as a traitor to the thief. So many, not enough. In this regard, some honest business people are quite mixed feelings. Zhang Bing, a Chinese champion, has put his involvement in the industry as a “self-treating body, a filth of immorality,” a policy of “giving up and sacrificing himself to feed the tiger.” “溷” is dirty meaning, “filthy” is also dirty, “non-Lun” means not to talk about ethics. In Zhangjuan eyes, the industry actually is
AIM:To investigate the intestinal barrier function damageinduced by trauma and infection in rats.METHODS:Experimental models of surgical trauma andinfection we
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本专辑继 1 1期续完全部内容 ,共载译文 9篇。专辑选译自医学のあゆみ 2 0 0 2 / 1 / 5特集———ウイルス性肝炎の现状と展望。全部由哈尔滨医科大学姚桢教授主译、主审。
BACKGROUND: It is common for the gastroendoscopist to find patients infected simultaneously with hepatitis B vi- rus (HBV) and Helicobacter pylori (H pylori). C
以发烧、呕吐等为急性症状的E型肝炎 ,在日本有了首例报告。长期以来 ,人们一直认为“日本不存在E型肝炎” ,医生根本没有给患者做E型肝炎检查的习惯和念头。此外 ,也没有在
如何加强网络商品交易监管?近年来已成为工商部门的关注点。今年以来,我局积极探索网络市场监管机制,利用互联网络监测方式采用 How to strengthen supervision of online c
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