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进入数字时代,媒体艺术的表现形式与传播手段发生了很大变化。作为一项综合文学、音乐、美术设计、文字设计、摄像拼贴等艺术表现方式的媒体艺术,动画的形态在数字化创作与传播的趋势下也有了新的改变。文章从媒体艺术发展的角度出发,以技术及传播方式的发展对动画创作的影响为基础,探讨数字时代背景下动画课堂生态的变革。 Into the digital age, the media art forms and means of communication has undergone great changes. As a media art with a variety of artistic expressions such as comprehensive literature, music, art design, text design and photo collage, there has been a new change in the form of animation under the trend of digital creation and dissemination. From the perspective of the development of media art, this article, based on the influence of the development of technology and mode of communication on the animation creation, discusses the changes of the animation ecology in the digital age.
发震构造断层的动力学现今仍旧令人琢磨不透。但通过实验室试验,可以帮助我们作出以下推理:当高速滑动时,断层接触面的摩擦力有可能突然降低。 The dynamics of seismogenic
广东木材市场需求量增加,优质木材和枝桠材被看好 广东的国民经济发展速度,摆脱了近几年来一直连续下滑的被动局面,出现了较好的发展势头。年初以来,全省的国内生产总值的增长速
目的 为研究与人前列腺癌细胞(PC-3M)侵袭能力相关的靶分子。rrrrrrrrn方法 采用有限稀释法分离单克隆细胞株,并应用单层细胞侵袭等实验鉴定各亚系的体外侵袭能力;借助RT-PCR和
患儿女,3个月零10 d.因发现心脏杂音4 d于2002年11月19日入院.体检:心音响度强,心率108次/ min,心率齐,左锁骨中线第3、4肋间可闻及Ⅱ级收缩期杂音,血压80/40 mmHg,营养发育可,口唇无发绀.心电图示:窦性心率,右室大,T波改变,QTC延长.B超示:右室内有一5.0 cm×5.0 cm大小的占位性病变,回声低。
Jiujiang is one of the most ten productive harbors of Yangtze Riverwhich enjoys great advantage in water geography. It has been dealingin foreign trade busines
采用西门子SINUMERIK 80 2S数控系统对凸轮轴磨床进行改造 ,介绍了改造方案和设计内容。 The use of Siemens SINUMERIK 80 2S CNC system on the camshaft grinding machin
Japan and South Korea have not solved some profound problems and contradictions that appeared inthe course of rapid growth of economy.These include problems an