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  Munro was born in Ottawa. She spent most of the time in this quiet city. Her novels are also written about love and ordinary lives in this suburban town, but they involved in serious topic of illness and death.
  The writer’s writing style is simple and plain, but the portrait of real life brings sincere deep feelings. Simple texts bring deep emotion, which shows the natural power of literature.
  Munro wrote 11 collections of short stories and one novel similar to stories. As short story is generally in low status in European and American literature, her Lifetime Achievement Award surprised some people, but more people used one word to describe their feelings of her success: “Value!” “Every time read Alice Munro’s novels, know the things never thought before.” This evaluation is from the writers, scholars, and scriptwriters.
  Alice Munro is routinely spoken of in the same breath as Anton Chekhov. She resembles the Russian master in a number of ways. She is fascinated with the failings of love and work and has an obsession with time. There is the same penetrating psychological insight; the events played out in a minor key; the small town settings. In Munro’s fictional universe, as in Chekhov’s, plot is of secondary importance: all is based on the epiphanic moment, the sudden enlightenment, the concise, subtle, revelatory detail. Another significant feature of Munro’s is the (typically Canadian) connection to the land, to what Margaret Atwood has called a “harsh and vast geography”. Munro is attuned to the shifts and colours of the natural world, to life lived with the wilderness. Her skill at describing the constituency of the environment is equal to her ability to get below the surface of the lives of her characters.
  She introduced a method of reading novels in an essay: the fiction doesn’t like a road; it is more like a house. You enter inside, stay for a little while, walk around, observe the room and the corridor, and then look out of the window to see what happened outside.
去了,去了,江南走远了。  那一朵曾无声绽放的墨荷,跟着江南走远了。黛瓦白墙,小桥流水,变成高楼大厦,车水马龙。那美丽而从未招摇的身影好似渐行,渐远,渐淡去。可我,仍执着于江南依旧,坚守着那份淡淡的荷香。  江南依旧否,我闻不见那花香。三月的柳絮不飞,污浊的流水从钢筋水泥桥下蜿蜒而过。沿岸垂柳枝头零落,那曾绿了江南岸的东风,此刻也只低低地叹息。却从未敢忘,记忆里氤氲在草长莺飞二月天里的那份花香。 
原来时间也会失误和出现意外,并因此迸裂,在某个房间里留下永恒的片段。  ——马尔克斯《百年孤独》  对于诗歌,我别无所求。除了真切的情感,不求怜悯,不求声名,不求和解。  ——德里克·沃尔科特  勇敢是:当你还未开始就已知道自己会输,可你仍然要去做,而且无论如何都要把它坚持到底。你很少能赢,但有时也会。  ——哈珀·李 《杀死一只知更鸟》  我生平不怕呆人,也不怕聪明过度的人,只是对着没有趣味的人
【摘 要】 新课标对高中英语的教学提出了新的标准。在这样的形势下,高中英文教学方法要进行革新。通过新的教学方法,提起学生学习的热情,从而使学生投入到自主学习中,提高他们各方面的英语素养。本文将对英语教学方法的创新提出一些新策略。  【关键词】 英语教学 创新教学   英语作为高中教学的重点科目,因此英语教学的质量是至关重要。在应试教育的体制下,英语教学曾向着注重分数而靠拢,不利于学生英语素质的提
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