Current Researches on Immediate Dental Implantation in Anterior Teeth Area

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nesecueity
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In recent years,with the application of digital medicine,and minimally invasive surgery in the field of dental implantation,modern dental implantation technology with immediate dental implantation as the representative is receiving rapid development. Especially,the immediate dental implantation technology in anterior teeth area has become a hot spot in stomatology. In this paper,an overview was given on the development of surgical method of immediate dental implantation technology,application of bone augmentation technology,and soft tissue management,and a prediction was made about the development trend of immediate dental implantation technology in anterior teeth area. In recent years, with the application of digital medicine, and minimally invasive surgery in the field of dental implantation, modern dental implantation technology with immediate dental implantation as the representative is receiving rapid development. Especially, the immediate dental implantation technology in anterior teeth area has become a hot spot in stomatology. In this paper, an overview was given on the development of surgical method of immediate dental implant technology, application of bone augmentation technology, and soft tissue management, and a prediction was made about the development trend of immediate dental implantation technology in anterior teeth area.
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