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2014年下半年开始,安徽省在全省中小学开展“一师一优课、一课一名师、课课有精品”活动。在此次活动中,本人上了一节英语说写课,感触很多,在此想借助这个平台和大家交流一下本人的一些收获和感想。我先谈一下这节课的设计:首先,教学过程设计。播放1分钟的广场舞大妈视频导入主题:“Square Dance,make you happy or upset”。接着,进入学生自由讨论发表各自看法环节,然后将同学分成正反两方,让他们集中观点 Since the second half of 2014, Anhui Province has been carrying out “one division one excellent one class, one teacher one class, one class fine” campaign at primary and secondary schools across the province. In this activity, I had a sense of English writing class, feeling a lot, I would like to use this platform to share with you some of my gains and feelings. Let me first talk about the design of this lesson: First, the teaching process design. Play 1 minute square dance aunt video import theme: “Square Dance, make you happy or upset ”. Then, into the students to discuss their own free discussion of the link, and then divided into positive and negative classmates, so that they focus on point of view
CARIF is a new generation ISOL-like RIB facility which is based on CARR, will be used to generate ions near n-rich line. Primary beam comes from CARR, separated
Superheated droplet detector has the following advantages: Used repeatedly, recording the cumulative dose, using both indoors and outdoors, compacting; relative
For the production of longer-lived isotopes of neutron-rich heavier actinide and transactinide elements,hot fusion reactions with actinide targets are required.
摘 要:美术技能课的课堂,往往强调学生的专业技能练习,课堂上少讲,甚至不讲。殊不知,反而容易造成学生学习的逆反心理,达不到预期的课堂效果。课堂上,教师应结合多种教学方法和教学手段,精讲多练,合理规划“精讲”时间,教学环节上环环相扣,层层设计,落实教学目标,解决教学难点,激发学生的学习兴趣。  关键词:技能课;学生;教师;互动;教学方法;教学手段  “教育的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞