Walsh Spectral Characteristics and the Auto-Correlation Function Characteristics of Forming Orthomor

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ffff2155
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Orthomorphic permutations have good characteristics in cryptosystems. In this paper, by using of knowledge about relation between orthomorphic permutations and multi-output functions, and conceptions of the generalized Walsh spectrum of multi-output functions and the auto-correlation function of multi-output functions to investigate the Walsh spectral characteristics and the auto-correlation function characteristics of orthormophic permutations, several results are obtained. Orthomorphic permutations have good characteristics in cryptosystems. In this paper, by using of knowledge about relation between orthomorphic permutations and multi-output functions, and conceptions of the generalized Walsh spectrum of multi-output functions and the auto-correlation function of multi-output functions to investigate the Walsh spectral characteristics and the auto-correlation function characteristics of orthormophic permutations, several results are obtained.
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