Structure of U2 small nuclear RNA genes of rice genome

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcf274617008
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Three new U2 small nuclear RNA (U2snRNA) genes from rice ( Oryza sativa} were isolated and se-quenced. The upstream sequence elements, TATA elements, monocot-specific promoter elements and the conserved four-stem-loop secondary structure shared by all plant snRNA genes were identified . The rice U2snRNA genes are shown to be present as a multi - gene family in the genome. The homology of the rice U2snRNA genes is high, with the minimum of 80% . Two pairs of the U2snRNA genes with the same transcriptional direction are found to be linked. One pseudogene in rice was firstly discovered. Three new U2 small nuclear RNA (U2 snRNA) genes from rice (Oryza sativa} were isolated and se quenched. The upstream sequence elements, TATA elements, monocot-specific promoter elements and the conserved four-stem-loop secondary structure shared by all plant The homology of the rice U2 snRNA genes is high, with the minimum of 80%. The two U2 snRNA genes are shown as be a multi-gene family in the genome. transcriptional direction are found to be linked. One pseudogene in rice was initially discovered.
利用玉米地小气候立体生产平菇、紫木耳 ,可使三者间适宜生态因子互惠形成 ,单位面积积累生物量大幅增长 ,经济效益较单种玉米提高 15倍以上。 The three-dimensional produ
试验表明 ,使用江苏华农种衣剂有限责任公司生产的水稻浸种型种衣剂对武运粳 7号种子包衣 ,在药种比为 1∶ 5 0的条件下 ,对种子发芽率和成苗率无影响 ,能有效地预防种传病害
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