Chinese Ethnic People' s Unique Adornments

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Adornments are what people wear for image decoration. Of the 56 nations in China, each of these ethnic people has its own unique jewels made of unique materials. Experts say that each ethnic group has adornments that reflect its particular history, rehgious thoughts and aesthetic pursuits. In a word, these adornments are a book of tribal history and cuhure. Experts observe that the adornments of Chinese ethnic peoples have five clisdnguished characteristics. Long history Archaeological discoveries point to the prehistoric times when our ancestors made Of the 56 nations in China, each of these ethnic people has its own unique jewels made of unique materials. Experts say that each ethnic group has adornments that reflect its particular history, rehgious thoughts and law pursuits . In a word, these adornments are a book of tribal history and cuhure. Experts observe that the adornments of Chinese ethnic peoples have five clisdnguished characteristics. Long history Archaeological discoveries point to the prehistoric times when our ancestors made
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