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我是1998年初从石家庄市纪委调赵县任县委常委、纪委书记的。近两年来,在基层的工作实践中,深深感到,党的各项工作,不论分支多少,层次多高,归根到底是管人民的事,办人民的事,为人民谋福利。群众一家一户的事相对于一个县的事,尽管是小事,但再小,也应管好。今年3月,东交洋村两名群众来到县纪委,向我反映村支部副书记在个人建房时随意扩展宅基地,非法侵占几家邻居的公共村道,邻居李书安出来讲了几句公道话,却被这名村干部及其两个儿子野蛮殴打,多处软组织损伤。单就案件的份量来说,算不上大案要案,但事情虽小,却性质严重,有损党群干群关系。我立即派两名纪委干部进驻该村,在调查核证属实后,及时与乡党委沟通情况,责成乡党委作出了公正、严肃的处理:停了这名村干部的职,令其做出深刻检查,挽回影响;责令他马上拆除垒起的墙壁,恢复过道原貌,并带其两个儿子找李 I was from 1998 in Shijiazhuang City Commission for Discipline Inspection transferred Zhaoxian County Party Committee, Commission for Discipline Inspection. In the past two years, we have deeply felt at the grass-roots work practices that the party’s work, no matter how many branches and levels, ultimately leads the people in managing things for the people, doing things for the people and benefiting the people. The matter of family members of a family relative to that of a county, though small, should be taken care of. In March this year, two people from the East Crossing Ocean Village came to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, and they told me that the deputy secretary of the village branch arbitrarily expanded their house sites when building their own houses and illegally encroached on several public village roads of their neighbors. However, he was brutally beaten by the village cadre and his two sons and injured in many soft tissues. In terms of the quantity of the case alone, it is not a big case but the matter is small in nature but seriously detrimental to the relationship between the party and the masses. I immediately sent two Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres stationed in the village. After investigating and verifying the realities, timely communication with the township party committees was held and the township party committees were obliged to make a fair and serious treatment: stopping the position of the village cadre and making it profound Check and restore the influence; ordered him to immediately remove the walls from the ramparts, restore the original aisles, and bring their two sons to find Li
1病例报告 例1:20岁男患,以左上腹疼痛24h,不全肠梗阻入消化内科。入院前1天在林甸县医院行胃肠减压抽出30ml鲜血,误认下胃管误伤。查体:体温、脉博正常,血压15.99/10.66kPa