
来源 :青春期健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:romeolg
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目的:探讨我县农村妇科发病的真正原因,并且逐步提高广大农村妇女的卫生保健水平,进一步减少我县农村妇科疾病的发生,为做好农村妇女保健工作提供资料。方法:选取2011~2013年我县,21个行政村18~49岁的妇女进行妇科检查,参加体检的3229例,就此查体情况作为原始资料,将影响到农村妇女发生妇科疾病的因素进行统计分析。结果:年龄较大的患者肿瘤的发病率比较高。年轻的患者阴道炎、盆腔炎、宫颈糜烂的发病率比较高;经济状况越差,患各种妇科疾病的发病率越高;卫生习惯差妇科发病率极高。结论:不同年龄、经济状况、周围环境、卫生习惯均为影响农村妇女疾病发生的主要因素,符合客观规律。 Objective: To explore the real causes of rural gynecology in our county, and gradually improve the level of health care of rural women, to further reduce the occurrence of rural gynecological diseases in our county, to provide information for rural women’s health care. Methods: Women from 18 to 49 years old in 21 administrative villages of our county from 2011 to 2013 were enrolled in the gynecological examinations, and 3229 medical examinations were taken. Based on this, physical examination was taken as the raw data to make statistics on the factors influencing gynecological diseases among rural women analysis. Results: Older patients had a higher incidence of cancer. Young patients with vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical erosion is relatively high incidence; the worse the economic situation, the incidence of various gynecological diseases, the higher the incidence of hygienic habits, gynecology, the incidence of high. Conclusion: Different age, economic status, surrounding environment and hygiene habits are the main factors affecting rural women’s disease occurrence, which is in line with objective laws.
1992年年初,中国足球队在奥运会预选赛上失利。于是,坏事变成了好事,国家体委和中国足球协会下决心加快改革的步伐。 足球成为体育改革的突破口,胆子大了,步子快了。过去是
在NBA注册的现役球员中,外籍球员共有25名,他们是: ①弗拉德·迪瓦兹(南斯拉夫)——湖人队 ②斯蒂芬·鲁思尼(意大利)——太阳队 ③普雷杰·达尼洛维奇(南斯拉夫)——热队
龚晓明(微信公众号:龚晓明医生)是一位非常有责任感的妇产科专家,遵循西医一贯秉承的科学、严谨的治医态度。没有数据研究、没有证据,绝不乱开口。作为妇产科男医生,他拥有精道的医术,却更加冷静、理智。所以他一旦提醒,都应该非常值得新妈妈重视。  不必过度担心,相信身体的复原力  从怀孕到分娩,女性身体中变化最大的是子宫,到妊娠末期,子宫的重量已经达到平常的15倍重,容纳量也达到了孕前的500倍以上。但是
在对未来母亲的诸多限制中,现在又需增加一条——不宜多吃猪肝。这多少有点奇怪,因为正是由于肝脏中含有大量的维生素 A,医生通常是向人们推存这一食物,如今由于同样的原因,
The paper reports results of investigation on the harmonic detection technique of a complicated power supply system such as an AC excited generation system, whi