Preparation,characterization and photodegradation of methylene blue based on TiO_2 microparticles mo

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyonghuan
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The new microparticles,2-formylthiophene(FT)/TiO2 and(E)-1,2-bis(5-formyl-2-thienyl) ethylene(EBFTE)/TiO2 were synthesized with a silane coupling agent.The prepared TiO2 composites were characterized using Ultraviolet-Vis absorption(UV-Vis),X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscope(SEM) and thermogravimetric analyzer(TGA).Methylene blue was used as a model material to examine the photocatalytic activities of the prepared catalysts under both Ultraviolet-Vis(UV) and visible(Vis) light.The enhanced photocatalytic activities were observed in the presence of(FT)/TiO2 and EBFTE/TiO2 under Vis light.It suggests that FT or EBFTE plays a block or active role in the photodegradation mechanisms under UV and Vis light irradiation,respectively. The new microparticles, 2-formylthiophene (FT) / TiO2 and (E) -1,2-bis (5-formyl-2-thienyl) ethylene (EBFTE) / TiO2 were synthesized with a silane coupling agent. The prepared TiO2 composites were characterized using Ultraviolet-Vis absorption (UV-Vis), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) .Methylene blue was used as a model material to examine the photocatalytic activities of the prepared catalysts under both Ultraviolet-Vis (UV) and visible (Vis) light. The enhanced photocatalytic activities were observed in the presence of (FT) / TiO2 and EBFTE / TiO2 under Vis light. It suggests that FT or EBFTE plays a block or active role in the photodegradation mechanisms under UV and Vis light irradiation, respectively.
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