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各市、县(市、区)人民政府,省政府直属各单位:旅游资源普查是发展旅游业的一项基础性工作。搞好这项工作,对我省旅游业发展具有重要意义。通过资源普查,有利于全面掌握旅游资源状况,为编制各地及全省旅游发展总体规划打好基础;有利于树立旅游资源新的理念,拓展旅游资源的范围,培育旅游经济新的增长点;有利于对旅游资源作出科学评价,并进行合理的保护和开发,实现旅游产品优化组合,科学布局,促进旅游业快速健康发展。为此,省政府决定在全省范围内开展旅游资源普查工作。为确保各项工作顺利进行,圆满完成普查任务,现就有关事项通知如下:一、统一认识,加强领导。这次旅游资源普查是一项 The municipalities and counties (cities, districts) People’s government, the provincial government units directly under: tourism resources census is the development of tourism as a basic work. Doing a good job in this province is of great significance to the development of tourism in our province. Through the census of resources, it is conducive to fully grasping the status of tourism resources and laying a good foundation for the preparation of overall plans for tourism development in various places and in the province; it is also conducive to establishing a new concept of tourism resources, expanding the scope of tourism resources and fostering new growth points in tourism economy; Which will help scientific assessment of tourism resources and carry out reasonable protection and development so as to realize the optimized combination of tourism products and scientific layout so as to promote the rapid and healthy development of tourism. To this end, the provincial government decided to carry out the province’s tourism resources census. In order to ensure the smooth progress of all the work and satisfactorily complete the task of census, we hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: I. Unite awareness and strengthen leadership. The survey of tourism resources is one
1 加强水利工程经营管理的重要性加强经营管理,讲究经济效益,是水利工作的方针。搞好经营管理就是要使水利管理单位内部的生产活动和外部的经营活动都达到合理化和科学化。
北部引嫩工程是我省较大型引供水工程之一,主要为大庆石化工业和城市生活供水,兼顾地方8市县农业供水,当前北引与其他管理单位一样面临体制改革和新一轮的水价改革。 In th
1 引言高楼无塔供水在城市居民生活供水工程中已得到广泛应用。近几年来,随着生产的发展,农业灌溉系统节能、节水、按需供水的要求越来越高,气压水罐作为调节压力、流量的一
<正> 1 总体方案1.1 区划原则依据《水功能区划分技术大纲》,结合商丘市实际情况,将主要河流的水功能划分为:农业用水区、饮用水区、排污控制区、过渡区、景观娱乐区共5个区,
1993年 1月 18日 ,第四十七届联合国大会做出决议 ,确定每年的 3月 2 2日为“世界水日”。历年“世界水日”的主题如下 :1995年的主题是 :“妇女和水”(womenandwater) ;1996
意大利蓬文图-苏萨水电站装机容量为150MW,大部分建筑物都在地下。讨论了地下隧洞与洞室的开挖工程。 Pompidou, Italy - Susa hydropower installed capacity of 150MW, mo
1 供水收费现状1.1 供水收费概况白龟山水库位于平项山市区南郊,是淮河流域沙颍河水系上的一座大型枢纽工程。该库总库容9.22亿 m~3,兴利库容2.36亿 m~3,规划城市供水量6800