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任长霞这个名字,从不熟悉到熟悉,从熟悉到敬佩的过程,伴随了我创作拍摄完成《任长霞》这部电视剧的始终。现在,当各项工作已近尾声,整部作品在等待着审查通过,等待着播出,等待着与观众见面时,我的内心依然无法平静……任长霞是一种精神,是在新的历史条件下,保持共产党员先进性 Ren Changxia the name, from not familiar with the familiar, from familiar to admirable process, accompanied by my creative filming, “Ren Changxia,” the drama has always been. Now, when all the work is coming to a close, the entire work awaits the examination and approval, waiting to be broadcast and awaiting the audience. My heart still can not be calm ... Ren Changxia is a spirit that is in the new history Conditions, to maintain the advanced nature of party members
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