Flow Stress Behavior and Processing Map of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag Alloy during Hot Compression

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honglou123
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The hot deformation behavior of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag was studied by isothermal hot com-pression tests in the temperature range of 573-773 K and strain rate range of 0.001-1 s-1 on a Gleeble 1500 D thermal mechanical simulator. The results show the flow stress of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy in-creases with strain rate and decreases after a peak value, indicating dynamic recovery and recrystalli-zation. A hyperbolic sine relationship is found to correlate well the flow stress with the strain rate and temperature, the flow stress equation is estimated to illustrate the relation of strain rate and stress and temperature during high temperature deformation process. The processing maps exhibit two domains as optimum fields for hot deformation at different strains, including the high strain rate domain in 623-773 K and the low strain rate domain in 573-673 K. The hot deformation behavior of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag was studied by isothermal hot com-pression tests in the temperature range of 573-773 K and strain rate range of 0.001-1 s-1 on a Gleeble 1500 D thermal mechanical simulator. The results show the flow stress of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy in-creases with strain rate and decreases after a peak value, indicating dynamic recovery and recrystallization zation. A hyperbolic sine relationship is found to correlate well the flow stress with the strain rate and temperature, the flow stress equation is estimated to illustrate the relation of strain rate and stress and temperature during high temperature deformation process. The processing maps exhibit two domains as optimum fields for hot deformation at different strains, including the high strain rate domain in 623-773 K and the low strain rate domain in 573-673 K.
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