Synthesis and Characterization of Triangular-pyramidal Bismuth Oxide via a One-step Chemical Precipi

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q84564308
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Triangular-pyramidal ω-Bi_2O_3 is successfully synthesized via a one-step wet-chemical method.XRD,SEM,and UV-vis have been employed to characterize the as-prepared samples.Structural characterization by XRD confirms the formation of triclinic ω-Bi_2O_3 with high purity.The well-defined flowerlike Bi_2O_3 structures consisted of many triangular-pyramids are formed.Preparative parameters,such as concentration of PEG 6000,have great effects on the morphology and the particle size.The obvious absorption edge for ω-Bi_2O_3 powder is located at about 493 nm,which corresponds to the optical band gap energy of2.73 eV. Triangular-pyramidal ω-Bi_2O_3 is successfully synthesized via a one-step wet-chemical method. XRD, SEM, and UV-vis have been employed to characterize the as-prepared samples. Structural characterization by XRD confirms the formation of triclinic ω-Bi_2O_3 with high purity. The well-defined flowerlike Bi 2 O 3 structures consisted of many triangular-pyramids are formed. Preparative parameters, such as concentration of PEG 6000, have great effects on the morphology and the particle size. The obvious absorption edge for ω-Bi 2 O 3 powder is located at about 493 nm, which corresponds to the optical band gap energy of 2.73 eV.
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