壮大乡镇经济 发展乡镇企业

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乡镇是共和国最基层的一級政权组织。巩固乡镇经济基础,重点是发展乡镇企业,衡量农村经济实力的关键,也在于发展乡镇企业。 当前,乡镇企业在市场经济条件下面临许多新情况、新问题,最突出的表现在:产权不清,经营者积极性难以发挥;政企不分,企业的市场主体地位不突出;方向不明,靠外延扩大再生产、走低水平重复之路;管理者素质低下,存在小富即安、小进即满的思想,家族式经营“近亲繁殖”,乡镇企业的竞争优势几乎丧失殆尽。 乡镇企业成长于计划经济时代。在市场经济条件下,结构怎么调?路子怎么走?方向怎样定?笔者结合乡镇工作实际,认为要在以下4个方面做好文章。 Township is the lowest level of political power in the Republic. To consolidate the economic foundation of townships and towns, the key point is to develop township and village enterprises and measure the strength of rural economy. It is also about developing township and village enterprises. At present, the township and village enterprises face many new situations and new problems under the conditions of a market economy. The most prominent manifestations are: unclear property rights, difficulty in exerting managers' enthusiasm, lack of distinction between government and enterprises, lack of prominent market players, unclear direction, The extension of reproduction and reproduction, and the reduction of the level of repetition of the road; managers of low quality, the existence of small prosperous, small into full thought, family-run “inbreeding”, the competitive advantage of township enterprises almost lost out. Township enterprises grew up in the era of planned economy. In the market economy conditions, how to adjust the structure? Way how to go? How to set the direction? The author combines the actual work of the township, think in the following four aspects to do a good job in the article.
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话题作文审题的误区主要有以下四种:  1.就事论事;2.顾此失彼;3.喧宾夺主;4.另起炉灶。  那么,怎样才能走出这些误区呢?一般来说,可以采用以下措施:    一、化实为虚,不就事论事    所谓“化实为虚”,就是指“实题虚作”,即化具体为抽象。所谓“实题”,就是指由具体的概念构成的“话题”。从表面上看,实题,都是些实实在在范围较小的事或物。在审这种“话题”时,可以透过现象看本质,化实为虚,作
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