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现行传统式的教育与“面向现代化、面向世界,面向未来”的要求很不适应,必须改革。课程设置、教材、教法和考试等方面都应改革。千头万绪,从何入手?我认为应从教学的指挥棒——考试的改革做起。 现行的考试仍然未跳出旧框框,考试的形式、命题的内容、评分的标准均助长了“填鸭式”的教法和“死记硬背”的学法的蔓延。为适应现行的考试,教员设计一套套的练习题,让学生在题海上拚搏。不少教员还越俎代庖,逐题拟出答案要点,让学生“吃现成饭”。为适应现行的考试,学生中盛行着一种可怕的死记硬背的读书方法。总之,学生吸收的是经过教师咀嚼过的东西,学生固然也会吃得饱,但却食而不知其味。在考试中学生也会拿高分,但却是“高分低能”。 杨振宁教授在今年初曾指出“(中国)大学考试非常之严,这使得会考试的小孩占了便宜,但中 The current traditional education and the requirements of “facing modernization, facing the world and facing the future” do not meet the requirements and must be reformed. Curriculum, teaching materials, teaching methods and examinations should be reform. A multitude of things, where to start? I think we should start from the teaching baton - examination reform. The current exams are still not out of the old box, the form of the exam, the content of the proposition, the standard of scoring contribute to the “spoon-fed” teaching method and the “rote learning” spread. In order to adapt to the current exam, teachers design a set of exercises, so that students in the sea fighting. Many of the teachers also become increasingly valedictorian, asking questions by drafting questions to enable students to “eat ready meals.” In order to adapt to the current exam, students dread a horrible rote learning method. In short, students absorb what they chew through their teachers. Although students will eat enough, they will eat without knowing their taste. Students also get high marks in exams, but they are “low marks and high marks.” Earlier this year, Professor Yang Zhenning pointed out that "(China) university exams are very strict, which makes the examinations of children accounted for cheap, but in
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