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为了完善我国药物临床试验的管理,促进新药开发,并与国际接轨。卫生部组织有关专家草拟了我国《药物临床试验管理规范》(GCP)。目前,正在广泛征求有关新药研究开发、生产和临床研究单位的意见,并于1995年10月16~19日在上海召开了临床试验管理规范研讨会。《药物临床试验 In order to improve the management of drug clinical trials in our country and promote the development of new drugs, and with international standards. Ministry of Health organized experts drafted our country “drug clinical trial management practices” (GCP). At present, opinions on research and development, production and clinical research units of new drugs are being widely solicited and a seminar on clinical trial management practices was held in Shanghai on October 16-19, 1995. "Drug clinical trials
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本文以水为溶剂,采用紫外分光光度法测定头孢氨苄片中头孢氨苄的含量,方法简便快速,平均回收率为98.1%,变异系数为0.75%(n=8)。 In this paper, the determination of cefalexin in cef
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《天津医药》编委会委员,我国著名传染病、流行病学专家屈鸿钧同志,因病医治无效,于1993年11月5日1时15分逝世,享年75岁。屈鸿钧同志历任天津市 At the time of 1: 15 on N
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