Comparison of two position sensitive gamma-ray detectors based on continuous YAP and pixellated NaI(

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Dedicated position sensitive gamma-ray detectors based on position sensitive photomultiplier tubes(PSPMTs) coupled to scintillation crystals,have been used for the construction of compact gamma-ray imaging systems,suitable for nuclear medical imaging applications such as small animal imaging and single organ imaging and scintimammography.In this work,the performance of two gamma-ray detectors:a continuous YAP scintillation crystal coupled to a Hamamastu R2486 PSPMT and a pixellated NaI(TI) scintillation array crystal coupled to the same PSPMT,is compared.The results show that the gamma-ray detector based on a pixellated NaI(TI) scintillation array crystal is a promising candidate for nuclear medical imaging applications,since their performance in terms of position linearity,spatial resolution and e-ective field of view(FOV) is superior than that of the gamma-ray detector based on a continuous YAP scintillation crystal.However,a better photodetector(Hamamatau H8500 Flat Panel PMT,for example) coupled to the continuous crystal is also likely a good selection for nuclear medicine imaging applications. Dedicated position sensitive gamma-ray detectors based on position sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PSPMTs) coupled to scintillation crystals, have been used for the construction of compact gamma-ray imaging systems, suitable for nuclear medical imaging applications such as small animal imaging and single organ imaging and scintimammography.In this work, the performance of two gamma-ray detectors: a continuous YAP scintillation crystal coupled to a Hamamastu R2486 PSPMT and a pixellated NaI (TI) scintillation array crystal coupled to the same PSPMT, is compared. results results that the gamma-ray detector based on a pixellated NaI (TI) scintillation array crystal is a promising candidate for nuclear medical imaging applications, since their performance in terms of position linearity, spatial resolution and e-active field of view (FOV) is superior than that of the gamma-ray detector based on a continuous YAP scintillation crystal. Powered, a better photodetector (Hamamatau H8500 Flat Panel PMT, for ex ample) coupled to the continuous crystal is also likely a good selection for nuclear medicine imaging applications.
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