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放射性碘测定甲状腺机能状态的方法有三种:即甲状腺吸碘测定,尿排碘测定及血液中放射性碘的测定。一般皆用甲状腺吸碘及尿中排碘测定,但还不能真实地反映出血液中甲状腺激素碘的水平。血浆内碘以两种形式存在,一种是无机碘,一种是蛋白结合碘。无机碘能穿透红细胞膜进入红细胞内,蛋白结合碘不能穿透红细胞膜而存留在血浆中,在服碘以后24小时红细胞碘与血浆碘就达到了平衡。甲状腺机能正常时,红细胞碘与血浆碘有一定的比率。甲状腺机能亢进时,血液中无机碘减少,蛋白结合碘增加,比率值下降。因此,根据红细胞碘与血浆碘的比率就可以测定甲状腺机能状态。根据此原理,我们共测 Radioactive iodine determination of thyroid function in three ways: the thyroid iodine determination, urine iodine determination and determination of radioactive iodine in the blood. Generally use thyroid iodine and urine iodine determination, but still can not truly reflect the level of thyroid hormone iodine in the blood. Plasma iodine exists in two forms, one is inorganic iodine, one is protein-bound iodine. Inorganic iodine can penetrate the erythrocyte membrane into the red blood cells, protein bound iodine can not penetrate the red blood cell membrane and remain in the plasma, 24 hours after serving iodine red blood cells iodine and plasma iodine reached a balance. Normal thyroid function, red blood cells iodine and plasma iodine have a certain ratio. Hyperthyroidism, the reduction of inorganic iodine in the blood, protein-bound iodine increased, the ratio decreased. Therefore, thyroid function status can be determined based on the ratio of erythrocyte iodine to plasma iodine. According to this principle, we test together
对53例变应性亚败血症综合征胸部异常 X 线改变进行了分析,有异常者达32.07%。本综合征的肺部表现可为肺炎、胸膜炎、肺部小结节及肺纹理扩散等。结合文献对其可能的发病机理
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氢氟酸烧伤已有各种治疗方法。本文就使用氯化苄甲乙氧胺溶液(benzethoniumchloride solution)和倍他米松治疗氢氟酸烧伤,提出一种略有不同的用药方法:1.烧伤后,立即用清水
2007年2月16日,美国德克萨斯州大草原城附近的瓦莱罗Mc Kee炼油厂的丙烷脱沥青装置爆发了大规模火灾,包括一名承包商在内的3人严重烧伤,11人受轻伤。2007年2月16日,美国德克
雁过留声,人过留名。翻开上饶的史志,点击上饶的网站,都能看到关于一千多年以前,陆羽曾在上饶居住、凿井种茶,在余干的冠山取越溪水烹茶品茗的简约记载。 Goose had left so